This page contains information of Library Management System database design. The Library System project purpose is to automate library tasks including adding new borrowers, lending books to borrowers, and keeping track of all the items that were available in the books. It keeps track of all the details on the books in the library, including their price, condition, and overall availability.

Library Management System database design

You will get following informations in this article:

  • Library Database Explained.
  • Library Database Defined.
  • Library Database Guide.

Library Management System Table design:

Table Name: bookdetails

Field Name Data Type Size Relation
AccnoVarchar50Primary key
AuthorVarchar50Not null
TitleVarchar50Not null
PublicationVarchar50Not null
EditionVarchar50Not null
No_of_copiesint Not null
VolumnVarchar50Not null
Date_purVarchar50Not null
PriceDecimal(18,2)Not null
StatusVarchar(50)50Not null

Table Name: student

Field Name Data Type Size Relation
NameVarchar50Not null
RegnoVarchar50Primary key
Date_of_issueDatetime Not null
AddresssVarchar50Not null
Date_of_returnDatetime Not null
CourseVarchar50Not null
AccnoVarchar50Foreign key
GenderVarchar50Not null

Table Name: issue

  Field Name Data Type Size Relation
RegnoVarchar50Foreign key
Date_of_issue_booksDatetime Not null
Date_of_return_booksDatetime Not null
AccnoVarchar50Not Null
NameVarchar50Not null
CourseVarchar50Not null
AuthorVarchar50Not null
VolumnVarchar50Not null
EditionVarchar50Not null

Table Name: return

Field Name Data Type Size Relation
RegnoVarchar50Foreign key
AccnoVarchar50Not Null
Date_of_return_booksDatetime Not null
Date_of_issue_booksDatetime Not null
NameVarchar50Not null
CourseVarchar50Not null
AuthorVarchar50Not null
VolumnVarchar50Not null
EditionVarchar50Not null

ER Diagram of Library Management System:

Download Library Management System database design:

7 thoughts on “Library Management System database design”
  1. Here’s example code to create the tables using SQL (including MySQL):
    CREATE TABLE bookdetails (
    Author VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    No_of_copies INT NOT NULL,

    Price DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL,
    Status VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

    I suggest looking at the MySQL Reference Manual for more information:

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