Hotel Management Software

The present Hotel Management Software System is in use in most hotels is mostly or wholly manual. This poses several problems to the users of the systems as numbers, services and complexities increase with the advent of time and technology. The solution to these problems is the installation of a totally computer based front office management system where all the necessary functions and records are maintained on computer systems.

Hotel Management Software

This solution has several advantages; it reduces physical work, increases accuracy and has the ability to handle quantities of data than the almost obsolete practice of maintaining and manipulating records manually. Also this system will prove cheaper in the long run.

Present System

This existing system is either partially or wholly paper based and manual. It involves front office staff of the hotel in question painstakingly maintaining and updating records into diaries, day sheets and journals.

The limitations of such a system is common to most other systems involving reservations and the subsequent management of large quantities of data. They are:

  1. The redundancy of stored data.
  2. Inconsistencies in the stored data.
  3. Human error.
  4. Slower updating of data and slower retrieval.
  5. Clumsy and error prone.

Proposed System

The proposed system will incorporate all the functional requirements. The requirements are as follows:

  1. Requirement Specification

The s/w is designed to make reservations/bills/day sheets, as needed by most large hotels. The s/w will have the ability to respond to a wide range of queries of name, date, bill, room number etc. The databases will store and easily retrieve large quantities of data easily and elegantly.

  1. Need for computerization

The increasing complexity of services and hence the large quantities of information necessary to be maintained by modern day hotels has made the computerization of the front office system a necessity, and this system is specifically designed with the hotel reservation clerk in mind as the end user.

System Requirements

The following hardware and software is required for Electrical Receiving station application software.

  • Back end: Oracle 8.0
  • Front end: Microsoft visual Basic 6.0

Database connection string:
“Provider=MSDASQL; PWD=tiger; UID=scott; Data source=odbc.domain;Persist Security info=True”

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