Often there are situations where the admin, company or the department must monitor the users work. The project Control PC By Using Android Phone is to track the users activities carried out. It also helps to bring to the notice if any unusual activity is carried out by the user. This application works similar to the television remote system. The television is controlled by the remote that we have and use it to change the different channels of our choice. In the same way the PC Control by android application will enable to obtain the information, data present in different PC’s on one application that is to be created. It is going to be viral if this application is implemented.
Controlling a PC using an Android phone can be a great student project. The project could involve developing an app that allows a user to remotely access and control their PC from their Android phone.

People are very keen to obtain the information and the data that are present in others PC’s. It is the common nature that is present in each and every person. You may not feel comfortable to always carry your laptop with you wherever you go. But sometimes you need to access the files or run any programs that are present in your laptops. At that time without any choice, you need to open your laptop and complete the task. But what if you can access it remotely through your Android phone? Yes, it is possible. If the PC Control by Android application is implemented, it is possible to access your files and also run the program that is present in your laptop remotely. You can use this application to control your computer as if you are sitting in front of it. It will also helps in reducing energy that is required to carry a laptop wherever you go. This will be one of the best idea if you want to access the files remotely that are present in your PC’s. It will help to finish our tasks faster and complete it on time.
iqra butt
i cant download the source code can u plz provide it