This page has Test Cases For Online Clinic management system which is developed using PHP & MySQL. This handles complete operation of clinic. This system which manages complete clinic details in a single application and in a single database. In order to ensure that the system will operate efficiently and safely, tests are necessary at different phases of the system development. After developing the project we need to test the project. So we have followed following concepts for testing.

Test Cases For Online Clinic

  • Login Page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1User does not enter any value and clicks Login.“Required”message should be displayedsamepass
2User enters login ID but not password and clicks Login.“Required” message should be displayed for password fieldsame    pass
3User enters password but not login ID and clicks Login.“Required” message should be displayed for login IDsame    pass
4User enters wrong login ID or wrong password“Invalid login ID or invalid password”  should be displayedsame    pass
5User enters login ID and wrong password“invalid password” message should be displayedsame    pass
6On successful login.“Make an appointment page” should be displayedsame    pass
7Login Failure.The Control stays on the Login page itselfsamepass
  • Change password
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1User clicks change password button without entering any values.“Required” message appears near all the blank fields.samepass
2User enters Wrong old password  and clicks change password“old password is not valid..” message should be displayedsamepass
3User enters the correct old password but the new password length is less than 6.“Minimum six letters are allowed” message appears near the new password field.samepass
4New password and the confirm password do not match.“Fields do not match” message appears near the confirm password field.samepass
6User enters the old password and new password and confirm password and clicks “Change” button“Password is changed Successfully” message will be displayedsamepass
  • Forgot password
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1User  clicks on “recover password” without entering any values“Required” message should be displayed.samepass
2User  enters all the fields and clicks on recover password“change password” form should be displayedsamepass
3User  enters wrong information“Invalid information” message should be displayedsamepass
4User  clicks on reset buttonClears all the fieldssamepass
  • Patient Registration page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Patient clicks on registerwithout entering any values“Required” message should be displayed.samepass
2Patient enters all the fields and clicks on register“patient registration successfully” message and “patient Id” is should be displayedsamepass
3Patient clicks on reset buttonClears all the fieldssamepass
4Patient clicks on click here to make an appointment buttonRedirects to the “appointments, doctor records” pagesamepass
  • Make appointment page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Patient  clicks on “make an appointment” without entering all the values“required”message should be displayedsamepass
2Patient enters all the fields and clicks on “make an appointment” buttonredirects to the “appointment time” pagesamepass
  • Patient home page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Patient clicks on the “patient account”The control stays on the “patient account” page itselfsamepass
2Patient clicks on the “patient profile”Redirects to the “profile “ pagesamepass
3Patient clicks on the “change password”Redirects to the “change password” pagesamepass
4Patient clicks on the “appointment”Redirects to the “appointments” pagesamepass
6Patient  clicks on the “treatment detail”Redirects to the “treatment” pagesamepass
7Patient  clicks on the “lab test reports”Redirects to the “ laboratory report” pagesamepass
8Patient clicks on “logout”“logged out successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Patient profile page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Patient  clicks on “update profile” without entering any values“required”  message should be displayedsamepass
2Patient enters all the fields clicks on “update profile” button“record updated successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Employee home page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Employee clicks on the “Employee Home”The control stays on the “employee account” page itselfsamepass
2Employee clicks on the “Employee profile”Redirects to the “ profile” pagesamepass
3Employee clicks on the “change password”Redirects to the“change password” pagesamepass
4Employee clicks on the “appointment”Redirects to the“appointments” pagesamepass
6Employee clicks on the “laboratory”Redirects to the“laboratory” pagesamepass
7Employee clicks on the “patient report”Redirects to the“patient report” pagesamepass
8Employee clicks on the “timings”Redirects to the“doctor timings” pagesamepass
9Employee clicks on the “expenses”Redirects to the“expenses” pagesamePass
10Employee clicks on “logout”“logged out successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Employee profile page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Employee  clicks on “update profile” without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Employee enters all the fields and clicks on “update profile” button“Record updated successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Laboratory Test
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Lab assistant clicks on “update labtest” without entering any fields“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Lab assistant  enters all the fields and clicks on  “update labtest” button“record inserted successfully” message should be displayedsamePass
  • Doctor home page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Doctor clicks on the “Doctor  home”The control stays on the “patient account” page itselfsamepass
2Doctor clicks on the “Doctor  profile”Redirects to the“doctor profile” pagesamepass
3Doctor clicks on the “change password”Redirects to the“change password” pagesamepass
4Doctor clicks on the “appointment records”Redirects to the“appointment” pagesamepass
6Doctor clicks on the “reports”Redirects to the “ patient report” pagesamepass
7Doctor clicks on the “timings”Redirects to the“timings” pagesamepass
8Doctor clicks on the “earnings”Redirects to the“doctor’s earnings” pagesamepass
9Doctor  clicks on “logout”“logged out successfully” message will be displayedsamepass
  • Doctor profile page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Doctor clicks on “update profile” without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Doctor  enters all the fields and clicks on “update profile “ button“record updated successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Patient report
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Doctor clicks on “submit” button without entering patient IDNo record should be displayedsamepass
2Doctor  enters the” patient ID” and clicks on “submit” button“Patient name” along with “treatment” and “laboratory test reports”1 should be displayedsamepass
  • Doctor appointments
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Doctor  clicks on “search” button without entering any valuesNo record should be displayedsamepass
2Doctor selects the date and clicks on “search” buttonRecords should be displayed of that particular datesamepass
  • Doctor earnings
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Doctor clicks on “search” without entering any valuesNo record should be displayedsamepass
2Doctor  enters the date and clicks on “search” buttonRecords should be displayed from“from date” to “to date” of the particular datesamepass
  • Admin home page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks on the Admin profileThe control stays on the “admin account” page itselfsamepass
2Admin clicks on the “Admin profile”Redirects to the “admin profile” pagesamepass
3Admin clicks on the “appointment”Redirects to the “appointments” pagesamepass
4Admin clicks on the “patient reports”Redirects to the “patient record” pagesamepass
6Admin clicks on the “Doctor”Redirects to the “doctor records” pagesamepass
7Admin clicks on the “employee”Redirects to the “employee records” pagesamepass
8Admin clicks on the” account”Redirects to the “employee salary” pagesamepass
9Admin clicks on the “expenses”Redirects to the “expenses” pagesamePass
10Admin clicks on “test type”Redirects to the “test types” pagesamePass
11Admin clicks on “prescription”Redirects to the “add prescription” page  
12Admin clicks on “logout”“logged out successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Admin profile page
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks on “update profile” without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Admin enters all the fields and clicks on “update profile” button“admin record updated successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Add Expenses
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks on “add” without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Admin clicks on “add “button“record inserted successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
  • Add Test Type
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks “add” button without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Admin enters all the fields and clicks on “add” button“record inserted successfully” message should be displayedsamePass
3Admin clicks on “reset” buttonClears all the fieldssamepass
  • Add prescription
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks “add” button without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Admin enters all the fields and clicks on “add” button“record inserted successfully” message should be displayedsamePass
3Admin clicks on “reset” buttonClears all the fieldssamepass
  • Add Doctor
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks on “add” without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Admin enters all the fields and clicks on “add” button“record inserted successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
3Admin clicks on “reset” buttonClears all the fieldssamepass
  • Add employee
Sl. NoUser ActionExpected ResultObserved OutputTest Result
1Admin clicks on “add” without entering any values“required” message should be displayedsamepass
2Admin enters all the fields and  clicks on “add” button“ record inserted successfully” message should be displayedsamepass
3Admin clicks on “reset” buttonClears all the fieldssamepass

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