Test Cases for Online Examination System

Test Cases for Online Examination System

This page has Test Cases For Online Examination System. Testing determines whether the system appears to be working according to the specifications. The goal of testing is to uncover requirement, design, coding errors in the program. This Web Application provides facility to conduct online examination world wide. It saves time as it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and displays the results as the test gets over, so no need to wait for the result. It is automatically generated by the server.

Test Cases for Online Examination System

  • Login Component
Serial No.Condition To be TestedExpected ResultResult
1.On the load of login form.No data should be supplied.PASS
2.    When the student does not enter any fields and clicks “login”Should display error message “please enter register number and password”PASS
3. When the student does not enter valid register number and password. Should display error message “invalid    register number and password”.PASS
4.When the student  does not enter  password.Should display error message “failed to login”.PASS
5.When the user enters password and username and clicks login.Should go to the home page.PASS
  • Examiner
Serial No.Condition To be TestedExpected ResultResult
1.On the load of login form.No data should be supplied.PASS
2.    When the examiner does not enter any fields and clicks “login”.Should display error message “failed to login”.PASS
3. When the examiner does not enter user name. Should display error message “please enter the user name”.PASS
4.When the examiner does not enter  password.Should display error message “please enter valid password”.PASS
5.When the examiner enters password and username and clicks login.Should go to the home page.PASS
  • Administrator
Serial No.Condition To be TestedExpected ResultResult
1.On the load of login form.No data should be supplied.PASS
2.    When the administrator does not enter any fields and clicks “login”.Should display error message “failed to login”.PASS
3. When the administrator does not enter user name. Should display error message “please enter the user name”.PASS
4.When the administrator does not enter  password.Should display error message “please enter valid password”.PASS
5.When the administrator enters password and username and clicks login.Should go to the home page.PASS
  • Users
Serial No. Condition To be TestedExpected ResultResult
1On the load of login form.No data should be supplied.PASS
2When admin  does not enter any values and clicks ‘submit’Should display error message “please enter the course name”PASS
3When the admin does not enter the description and clicks’submit’Should display error message “please enter the description”PASS
4When the admin does not select the status and clicks’submit’Should display error message “please select  status”PASS
5  When  the admin enter numbers instead of letters in the field “ name ”Should display error message “Enter only letters”PASS
6When the admin enters all the fields and clicks “Submit”Should display message “one record  added ”PASS
  • Exam
Serial No.Condition To be TestedExpected ResultResult
1 On the load of login form.No data should be supplied.PASS
2When admin  does not enter any values and clicks ‘submit’Should display error message “please enter the register number”PASS
3When the admin does not select the subjects and clicks’submit’Should display error message “please select the subject”PASS
4When the admin does not select the date and clicks’submit’Should display error message “please select  the date”PASS
5When the admin does not select the time and clicks’submit’Should display error message “please select the time”PASS
6When the admin does not select the status and clicks’submit’Should display error message “please select  status”PASS
8When  the admin enter numbers instead of letters in the field “ name ”Should display error message “Enter only letters”PASS
9When admin enter letters instead of numbers in the field “regno”Should display error message “Enter Only numbers” PASS
10When the admin enters all the fields and clicks “Submit”Should display message “one record is added ”PASS
  • Change password
Serial No.Condition To be TestedExpected ResultResult
1.On the load of login form.No data should be supplied.PASS
2.    When the student does not enter any fields and clicks “change password”.Should display error message “please enter the registration number”.PASS
3. When the student does not enter new password and clicks “change password”. Should display error message “please enter the new password”.PASS
4.When the student does not enter confirm password and clicks “change password”..Should display error message “please enter confirm password”.PASS
5.When student enter letters instead of numbers in the field “regno”Should display error message “Enter Only numbers” PASS
6.When the student enters all the fields and clicks “change password”Should display message “password updated successfully”PASS

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