This page has Test Cases For Hostel Management System. The Hostel Management System reduces the manual work for the users of the system. It saves time, resources and reduces redundancy of the data. It is very efficient when compared to the paper work that was used before the automation of the system. The hostel management system reduces the use of the paper. The hosteller and hostel information is stored in database.  Data stored in the database can easily be retrieved, and updated or even deleted. Links are provided in each page so that the user can move from one page to another quickly. Proper error messages are displayed. So the user can easily identify the problem.

Test Cases For Hostel Management System

Test unit : Hosteller  Registration

Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If hosteller type is not selectedHosteller typeKindly select hosteller typeSUCCESSFULL
  2If hosteller name contains other than character types  NameName should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
3If email id does not  contains proper formatEmail id  Entered email id is not valid  SUCCESSFUL
4If password length is less than 6password  Password must contain at least 6 characters.    SUCCESSFUL
5If password and confirm password does not match.password, confirm password  Password and Confirmed password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
6If date of birth is not selectedDate of birthDate of birth should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
7 If father name contains other than character types  Father nameFather Name should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
8If mother name contains other than character types  Mother namemother Name should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
9If address contains other than character types    addressaddress should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
10If contact number does not contain 10 digitsContact numberContact number should contain 10 digitsSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit :Login
Serial NoCondition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1If any field in the form is empty.Value of form fields.Alert the user to enter all the fields and then proceed.SUCCESSFUL
2If the emailid and Password does not match.emailid, passwordAlert user that “ Invalid emailid and Password” And stay in same page.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit :Feedback
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1If  feedback title in the form is  emptyFeedback titleFeedback title should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
2If  feedback message in the form is  emptyFeedback messageFeedback message should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit : Hosteller Admission
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If start date is not selectedStart datekindly select start dateSUCCESSFUL
2.    If start date is not selectedEnd datekindly select end dateSUCCESSFUL
3.If food type is not selectedFood typekindly select food typeSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit :  Add Employee
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If employee name contains other than character typesEmployee NameName should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
2.If login id field is emptyLodin idLogin id should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
3.If password length is less than 6passwordPassword must contain at least 6 charactersSUCCESSFUL
4If password and confirm password does not matchConfirm passwordPassword and Confirmed password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
5If employee type is not selectedEmployee typeKindly select employee typeSUCCESSFUL
6If gender is not selectedgenderKindly select genderSUCCESSFUL
7If designation field is emptydesignationDesignation field should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
8If status is not selectedstatusKindly select statusSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit :  Events
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If event title field is emptyEvent titleEvent title field should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
2.If event banner field is emptyEvent bannerEvent banner should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
3.If event description field is emptyEvent descriptionEvent description should not be emptySUCCESSFUL
4.If event date is not selectedEvent dateKindly select dateSUCCESSFUL
5.If status is not selectedstatusKindly select statusSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit :  Add Room
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If block is not selectedblocksKindly select blocksSUCCESSFUL
2.If fees structure is not selectedFees structureKindly select fees structureSUCCESSFUL
3.If room No contains other than digitsRoom NoRoom No should contain digitsSUCCESSFUL
4.If No.of beds contains other than digitsNo.of bedsNo.of beds feild  should contain digitsSUCCESSFUL
5If status is not selectedstatusKindly select statusSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit : Add Fees Structure  
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If block is not selectedblocksKindly select blocksSUCCESSFUL
2.    If hosteller type is not selectedHosteller typeKindly select hosteller typeSUCCESSFUL
3.If room type is not selectedroomKindly select room typeSUCCESSFUL
4.If cost fields contains other than digitscostcost fields should contain digitsSUCCESSFUL
5.If status is not selectedstatusKindly select statusSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit : Add Blocks  
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1If block name contains other than character types  blockBlock name should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
2If status is not selected Kindly select statusSUCCESSFUL
  • Test  Unit : Billing
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1If card holder name contains alphabets other than character typesCard holder nameCard holder name should contain only alphabetsSUCCESSFUL
2If payment type is not selectedPayment TypeKindly select payment typeSUCCESSFUL
3If card number contains less than 16 digits  Card Numbercard number should contain 16 digitsSUCCESSFUL
4If CVV number contains less than 3 digitsCVV numbercard number should contain 3 digitsSUCCESSFUL

Note: This Test Cases For Hostel Management System only for reference purpose. This will vary for each and every project. To know more about this contact our Whatsapp number.

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