Gym center Management System

Gym Center Management System is for fitness health club. This project provides best gym fitness management system. This is to manage is to manage the details of Fitness Center, Fitness Master, Employee, Memeber details and many more. This project Fitness Center Management System has been developed on VB.NET and SQL. This project is an easy-to-use gym and health club membership management system. Gym Management System provides an easy to use interface for the users and a database for the admin to maintain the records of gym members.

Gym Management System is a standalone system that supports two users. It is mainly used for maintaining the Customer details, Employee details, Employee Payroll details and for the purpose of Report generation.

Product Features:

The major features of the Gym Management System are organized according to its main components. The features of the Gym Management System are as follows:

  • Keeps the track of the transactions done in the Gym.
  • Up-to-date Reports are generated.
  • Customer details are maintained.
  • Employee details are maintained.
  • Employee Payroll is maintained.
  • Reduces manual work  and time consumption.
  • Provides Data safety.
  • No Data loss.

Software Requirements:

Functional Requirements        

  • Registration Module:
    • Introduction:.  Only User can access the page to store the details. Offers are provided which includes Student Offer, Couple Offer and Kids Offer. Otherwise   its General membership.
    • Input: Customer details such as name, address, phone number are collected.User provides the timing according to their convenience. According to details entered, offers are provided to the customers.
    • Process Definition: Checks whether all the fields are entered and also checks their regularity to the gym. And it also allows making any modification.
    • Output: The details are added, updated as well as can be retrieved from the table.
  • Packages Module:
    • Introduction: Different packages are available such as 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year and also it consists of training package which includes gym package which is General, Premium training package and Platinum training package.
    • Input: A member who joins the gym can opt for any of the package.
    • Process definition: Checks whether this field is entered. If a customer opt any package and also opt some more facilities from other package, it will be appreciated as, this amount will be added up. Each training package has its own method of training. Once the package expires, the customer can renew his membership.
    • Output: The details are stored and retrieved from the table.
  • Payment Module:
    • Introduction:  Account is maintained in the database for the amount paid and the       balance amount if any, for all the customers.
    • Input: Amount to be paid iscalculated according to the package that a customer    opts.
    • Process definition: The calculated amount is paid either by cash, cheque or card.
    • Output:  The details of the payment done by the customer or balance amount if    any, can be stored and retrieved from the table.
  • Equipment Details
    • Introduction: Authorized user can add details of gym equipments to the system.
    • Input: Number of equipments present in the gym can be entered.
    • Process definition: User has the authority to add the details of the gym equipments and also it can be modified when needed.
    • Output: The details are stored and retrieved when necessary from the table.
  • Salary and Attendance
    • Introduction: Here the salary to be paid to the employees is calculated.
    • Input: The number of days attended by the employee and the number of customers trained under him is entered.
    • Process definition: Salary is calculated according to the package opted by the customer and the total number of days attended after deducting the tax amount. The remaining amount is shared equally by the trainer and the gym. Attendance of the employee will be marked by the receptionist. At the end of the month the total number of days attended by the employee is maintained.
    • Output: The details of the salary and attendance can be stored and retrieved from the table.
  • Competition
    • Introduction: The details about the competitions in various levels and categories   are maintained.
    • Input: Details about competitions are stored in the system.
    • Process definition: Details regarding various competitions held at various levels are entered and maintained.
    • Output: . This can be retrieved when necessary from the tables.
  • Reports:
    • Introduction: Reports are generated and can be viewed by the user at any time.
    • Input: Customer_id, Employee_id.
    • Process definition: All the data entered in records corresponding to the customer_id as well as employee_id is retrieved.
    • Output: Records are generated.

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