Cashew Payroll Project Synopsis – The main purpose of Cashew Payroll is to perform daily transaction store to perform search regarding various categories within less time. It must also reduce the man power and thus directly lead to benefit of the company.
This system will reduce the manual operation required to maintain all the records of booking information. And also generates the various reports for analysis. Main concept of the project is to maintain the records of employees and along with the import export details electronically.
This Application works in Multiple PC’s installed on multiple Computers but sharing same database by which users of different department can use it sitting at different locations simultaneously.
But in the future we can publish this application in web. Hence it works more
It takes a lot of time for the ADMIN in book keeping and also in maintaining the records of the import and export and also about the employees.
The main reason for choosing this topic is to reduce the time and complexity of maintaining the records and also to easily perform the task of book keeping. The software will help in easy maintaining and updating website. It also helps in accurate maintenance of employee details and calculating their wages or salary.
Software Requirements:
- Microsoft SQL Server
Modules of Cashew Payroll Project Synopsis
- Login
- Master
- Wages
- Worker details
- Cashew order details
- Product details
- Stock information
- Dealers
- Billing
Expected Result:
Cashew Payroll software helps in easy maintenance of Payrolls. It guarantees accurate maintenance of employee details. It eases the Import and Export procedures of the company. It easily reduces the book keeping task and thus reduces the time consumed and increases accuracy speed.
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