Online Vehicle Showroom SRS – The aim of this document is to gather and analyze and give an in-depth insight of the complete Online Vehicle Showroom by defining the problem statement in detail. The detailed requirements of the Online Vehicle Showroom are provided in this document.
The purpose of the document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up to define the system, its requirements with respect to consumers. The main purpose of this Vehicle showroom is to develop a web based interface for Vehicle showroom companies.
The main purpose of this Online Vehicle Showroom is that it provides provision to customers to buy or book vehicles through online. The current system is offline system, in this to purchase vehicle the customer should visit to showroom. So this current system is very difficult because its time consuming. So our project aims at creating an web application which tracks Customer records, Online booking, Online vehicle records, etc and it provides easy to use web based interface for customers where customers can search for vehicles, view a complete details, models, features, pricing of the vehicles and book the vehicles.
Scope:The name of the project is “ONLINE VEHICLE SHOWROOM”. The main scope of this web application is that depicts online Vehicle showroom and booking vehicles through online. Customer can register to this site and he/she can book vehicles by entering his/her login information. Administrator is main user of this system and he/she can add employees, and new vehicle details.
- The current system can be extended to allow the customers to register accounts and save favourite vehicles in to wish list.
- The design of the web application involves the listing the vehicles, search for vehicles, display the complete details of vehicles, etc.
- It provides updated information about the vehicles of all the companies.
- Customer can view Purchase details and billing records any time.
The following subsections provide complete overview of the SRS documentation for the product “Online Vehicle Showroom”. The entire SRS is documented in the view of customers, dealers and admin and the following subsections are arranged to complete outlook of the software, its perspective, features, System requirements.
Overall description:
This project which helps customers to buy or book vehicles through online. It keeps track of Customers records, Vehicle records, Payment and billing records, dealer records, etc. The system generates Invoice and bill after purchasing or booking of new vehicle. This is web application and it’s developing using PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) language. All the records stores in MySQL Database.