We provide all types of student projects in IEEE java. Download latest IEEE Java Project topics for BE, CSE and IT engineering students.

SL No. | Project title |
1 | Distributed Collaborative Key Agreement and Authentication Protocols for Dynamic Peer Groups |
2 | Detecting and Resolving Firewall Policy Anomalies |
3 | A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction for Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
4 | Mobile Relay Configuration in Data-intensive Wireless Sensor Networks. |
5 | A Geometric Approach to Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement |
6 | A New, Efficiet Coordinated Checkpointing Protocol combined with Selective Sender – Based Message Logging |
7 | A Precise Termination Condition of the Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm |
8 | A Signature-Based Indexing Method for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval of Relative Temporal Path |
9 | A wireless Intrusion detection system and a new attack model |
10 | Dynamic Heterogeneity-Aware Resource Provisioning in the Cloud. |
11 | Open source project management tools |
12 | Storage management in the peer-to-peer storage utility |
13 | Agent Based Intrusion Detection, Response and Blocking using signature method in Active Net |
14 | An Acknowledgment-Based Approach For The Detection Of Routing Misbehavior In MANETs |
15 | An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases |
16 | ANGEL Enhancing the Utility of Generalization For Privacy Preserving Publication |
17 | Application of BPCS Steganography to wavelet compressed video |
18 | ATM Networks and Intelligent Packet Filtering |
19 | Cloud-Based Video Recommendation System with User behavior Monitoring. |
20 | Bandwidth Estimation for IEEE -Based Ad Hoc Networks |
21 | Benefit Based Data Caching In Ad Hoc Networks |
22 | Capturing Router Congestion and Delay |
23 | Clustering and Sequential Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning Data |
24 | Computation Efficient Multicast Key Distribution |
25 | Constructing Inter-Domain Packet Filters to Control IP |
26 | Continuous Monitoring of Spatial Queries in Wireless Broadcast |
27 | Controlling IP Spoofing Through Inter Domain Packet Filters |
28 | Controlling IP Spoofing through Inter domain Packet Filters |
31 | Data leakage detection () |
32 | DCMP – A distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol for Peer to Peer Networks |
35 | Detection of Application Layer DDOS Attack using Hidden Semi Markov Model () |
36 | Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol |
37 | Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol |
38 | Distributed cache updating of dynamic source routing protocol |
39 | Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks |
40 | Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion |
41 | Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion |
42 | Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the presence of Delays |
43 | Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the Presence of Delays : A Regeneration Theory Approach |
44 | Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the presence of delays A regeneration theory Approach |
45 | Dynamic Routing with Security Considerations |
46 | Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication |
47 | Effects of Location Awareness on Concurrent Transmissions for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks Overlaying Infrastructure |
48 | Effects of Location Awareness on Concurrent Transmissions for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks Overlaying Infrastructure-Based Systems |
49 | Efficient and Secure Content Processing and Distribution by Cooperative Intermediaries |
50 | Efficient Key Agreement for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups |
51 | Efficient Packet Marking for Large-Scale IP Trace back |
52 | Energy-Efficient SINR-Based Routing for Multihop Wireless |
53 | EnergyMaps For Mobile Wireless networks coherence Time Versues Spreding Period |
54 | Evaluating the Vulnerability of Network Traffic Using Joint Security and Routing Analysis |
56 | Face recognition for smart interactions |
57 | Face Recognition Using Laplacianfaces |
58 | Gradient Vector Force – A new External Force for Snakes |
59 | Identification of Humans Using Gait |
60 | Image Transformation using Grid |
61 | Image Transport Protocol ITP |
63 | Incremental deployment service of Hop by hop multicast routing protocol |
64 | Intrusion Detection in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks |
65 | Large Connectivity for Dynamic Random Geometric Graphs |
66 | Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection () |
67 | Learning in an Ambient Intelligent World Enabling Technologies and Practices |
68 | Locating Friends and Family Using Mobile Phones With GPS |
69 | Location Based Spatial Query Processing In Wireless Broadcast Environments |
70 | Lord of the Links – A framework for discovering missing links in the internet topology |
71 | Measuring Capacity Bandwidth of Targeted Path Segments |
72 | Minimizing File Download Time in Stochastic Peer-to-Peer Networks |
73 | Mitigating Performance Degradation in Congested Sensor Networks |
74 | Mitigating Selective Forwarding Attacks with a Channel-Aware Approach in WMNs |
75 | Mitigation OF Controll Channel Jamming Under Node Caputer Attacks |
76 | Mobile Agents In a Distributed Multimedia Database System |
77 | Mobility Management Approaches for Mobile IP Networks |
78 | Modeling & Automated Containment of Worms |
79 | Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery |
80 | Multiple Sequence alignment using Genetic Algorithm |
81 | Network Border Patrol Preventing Congestion Collapse |
82 | Node Isolation Model and Age-Based Neighbor Selection in Unstructured PP Networks |
83 | Noise Reduction by Fuzzy Image Filtering |
84 | Novel Defense Mechanism against Data Flooding Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
85 | Novel Secure Communication Protocol for Ad Hoc networks |
86 | OCGRR – A New Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Services Networks |
87 | ODAM An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm |
88 | One To Many Distribution Using Recursive Unicast Trees |
89 | Online Handwritten Script Recognition |
90 | Online Index Recommendations for High-Dimensional Databases Using Query Workloads |
91 | Optimal Server Bandwidth Allocation Among Multiple PP Multicast Live Video Streaming Sessions |
92 | PAM : An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Monitoring Framework for Continuously Moving Objects |
93 | Peer to Peer Messaging System |
94 | PEER-TO-PEER (PP) networks |
95 | Performance of a Speculative Transmission Scheme for Scheduling-Latency Reduction |
96 | Personal Authentication Using -D Finger Geometry |
97 | Predictive Job Scheduling in a Connection Limited System using Parallel Genetic Algorithm |
98 | Protection of Database Security via Collaborative Inference Detection |
99 | QUIVER Consistent Object Sharing For Edge Services |
100 | Randomized Protocol for Duplicate Elimination in Peer-to-Peer Storage System |
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