A Research Project Assignments is a task given to students to conduct independent research on a specific topic. The goal of a research project assignment is to help students develop research skills, such as formulating research questions, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting findings. Research project assignments can be given to students at any level, from high school to graduate school, and can be a part of any academic discipline.
Research project assignments typically involve the following steps:
- Choosing a topic: Students are given a list of topics to choose from, or they may be allowed to choose their own topic.
- Formulating a research question: Students need to define a research question that they will investigate.
- Conducting research: Students will collect and analyze data using a variety of methods, such as literature review, interviews, surveys, experiments, or observations.
- Writing a research report: Students will present their findings in a written report, including an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion.
- Presenting research: Students may be required to present their findings in a class presentation or poster session.
Research project assignments can be challenging, but they can also be a valuable opportunity for students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s important for the student to understand the instructions and guidelines given by the instructor, and follow the academic standards and ethics of research.
Research Project Assignments – The students will research an organisation to undertake a suitable project. The team will prepare a proposal that will identify the key problems or opportunities to be researched and developed, develop project specifications and outline an overall project scope including the methodology to be used. This assessment may be undertaken as a group activity. 1000 words.
You are must use the template provided on the Moodle subject web site. Your report is to include an Executive Summary and Table of Contents, and must be accompanied by a covering letter. You must also provide a detailed project plan. In broad terms you will need to cover issues such as
- Scope
- Advantages (to sell the project)
- Financial (total cost and delivery date)
- Plan (steps to develop the project)
- Deliverables (h/w, s/w, warranties, training, manuals)
- Acceptance (agreement procedure)
- Alternatives
- Terms, Conditions and Assumptions
- Terminology
Oral Presentation (Semester 1)
Due: Week 9
Percentage of Final Mark: 10%
The students will present and discuss their proposal to the nominated organisation and fellow students. Agreement of the project aims and objectives will need to occur prior to the actual research project commencing.
You should expect to present and answer questions for approximately 20 minutes.
Project Journal (Semester 1 & 2)
Note: this is an ongoing assessment that will be reviewed during each semester
Semester 1
Due: Week 12
Percentage of Final Mark: 5%
Semester 2
Due: Week 11
Percentage of Final Mark: 5%
Each student should establish and maintained a project journal which records time spent on all tasks since the start of this module, including their interaction with their team members and client. For example, it should contain a summary of decisions and actions decided upon by team members at all team meeting. The journal contents must provide information required for project planning and strategies used in your project.
Students should have recorded their progress week by week: activities, roles, challenges, problem-solving and technical skills, and reflect on these issues faced in the project.
This is an individual activity. Use the Blog provided on the Moodle subject web site to record your entries.
Project Progress Report and Presentation (Semester 1 & 2)
Semester 1
Due: Week 13
Percentage of Final Mark: 10%
Semester 2
Due: Week 4
Percentage of Final Mark: 10%
Using your journal as a basis for this report demonstrate the integration of the theory and practice utilised in your project. Use diagrams as appropriate. Students should address the following issues:
- Analysis/Design completed
- Achievements to date (planned and unplanned);
- Meetings and actions
- A refined version of your project proposal documentation
- Incomplete issues which were targeted for this report;
- Defining a new delivery schedule for incomplete tasks;
- Summary of issues to be delivered by next review;
- Milestones & Deliverables
- Methodology researched and used;
- Project Management; schedules/charts
- Research details and references;
- Team member roles;
- Hardware/Software details
- Other items needing resolution.
This report should 1000 words approx and should only take ten minutes to present – a form of a system walkthrough identifying the key activities and challenges of the project and documentation, may include some reflections on the whole experience. . It is expected that members of the team will each take a turn in the presentation of the progress report.
Final Project Report (Semester 2)
Due: Week 12
Percentage of Final Mark: 40%
This is the final report on your project which must show the findings of their project. It must show what you have done and talk about the journey along the way. 3500 words.
You are must use the template provided on the Moodle subject web site. Your report is to include an Executive Summary and Table of Contents. In broad terms you will need to cover issues such as:
- Project Scope Assessment and Management
- Current Problems/Opportunities
- Methodology used with models
- Project Results / Work Completed
- Conclusion
- Reflection and Recommendations
- References, Terminology, Appendix
Final Presentation
Due: Week 13
Percentage of Final Mark: 10%
This is the final assessment for the subject. In the oral presentation to other groups you will need to explain the issues outlined in the report reflecting back on project as a whole. You should expect to present and answer questions for at least 20 minutes
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