Online College Management system is the web application which helps college students and faculties to connect each other. In this web application facilities can upload marks, daily attendance, time table and they can upload complete syllabus plan. Students can view their attendance report, marks sheet, daily syllabus and topic plan and they can post feedback and reviews in this system. Even Students can discuss with their facilities related to subject and faculty has option to reply to the questions sent by students.
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Languages to be used
- Programming Lnaguage: PHP
- Database: MySQL Server
Online College Management system Project structure
This project facilitates many features for college students as well as faculties. We including following features in our project:
- Student registration available where student can register through online. After the registration student can login to the system by entering login id and password.
- This web application manages 3 user types. i.e: Admin, faculty and students. Admin has full authority of the website.
- Faculties can add syllabus details with description, scheduled date and time, and notes.
- Faculties can upload daily attendance, marks sheet and time table.
- Admin settings provide options to add course details, faculties and some other settings.
Database tables:
The table we created with 1N, 2N and 3N normalization. Name of the database is collegemanagementsystem. This project has following tables:
- faculty
- Student
- Admin
- Attendance
- marks
- Subject
- Course
- Syllabus
- Topic
- Discussion
- Discussion_reply
- Feedback
- Timetable
Modules of Online College Management system
- Registration/Login module: Here college students can register through online by entering name, Roll number, password, Email ID, contact number, etc. Hence the website is online we have implemented manual account verification. After the registration the faculties need to verify the students account. After the verification students can login to his account.
- Faculty panel: Faculty can login to the system by entering login credentials. Admin creating faculty records. Faculty can upload syllabus records, attendance report, examination report, timetable, etc.
- Student account: Students can view his examination mark sheet, attendance report, time table through online. Student can discuss with faculties related to any subjects or topic.
- Syllabus plan: Faculties can upload syllabus, study materials and topic records. Along with this they can schedule number of required days, completion date and statistics of the syllabus.
- Attendance module: In this module faculty can upload attend report and student can view their attendance record.
- Exam report module: In this module faculty can upload examination report of all students and student can view their exam marks report.
- Feedback and reviews module: Students can send feedback and reviews about faculty, classes and subjects. Admin and faculty can view review sent by students.
- Discussion module: In the discussion module the students can discuss related any topics with faculties. They can ask any topic related queries by entering subject and description. The faculties can post answers to the students query.
- Timetable module: This module is for faculty and admin, where they can add time table for each course. Students can view the time table records.
- Dashboard module: This module is for administrator where admin can do all the settings of the website. Admin has full authority of the website. Admin can add course details, subject details, faculty records, etc.
- Report module: In the report module admin or staff can view examination report, attendance report, discussion records, feedback and reviews, etc.
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- Project Synopsis, Project SRS and others
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Thanha Shajahan
Hey I wanted to purchase this so after purchase where will you provide this code and report? Please reply