Campus Management System

Campus Management System mainly concentrates on managing Institutional information, Department/Programme Summary and many other related data needs in a colleges or universities. Our system provides information to be in ready to submit format for the professional boardies. The system going to be developed can be used to keep  information of the institution, department details, student information and generate a report based on the information of the above.

Campus Management System is an very efficient data analysis and report generation system. The system contains crystal report technique for generating reports. The proposed system is user friendly because the retrieval and storing of data is fast and data is maintained efficiently. Moreover the graphical user interface is provided in the proposed system, which provides user to deal with the system very easily. Reports can be easily generated in the proposed system so user can generate the report as per the requirements.

The existing software like college information system and student information system does not supports the data management system as per the requirements of professional governing boardies such as NBA, AICTE, MHRD or government agencies. Also it does not supports data analysis and report generation. The existing system does not fulfills the requirements that is actually needed by a technical institution also the existing systems does not allows for information to be presented in ready to submit format for the professional boardies such as NBA, AICTE, MHRD or government agencies.

This new system mainly concentrates on managing student report generation. Using this system we can update all the information about a institution and generate the reports whenever u request.

Users of the system:

This system is mainly meant for the admin and user information in colleges. There the 2 types of users:

  • Admin
  • User

Admin is the super user of the system. He/she is able update user information or issues to the    database and enrollment of users, assign subjects to staff and database management. user can  generate reports that of the students and also can update the information.

Languages used:

  • Front end : c#
  • Back end : Mysql
  • Project Category : Software Application

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