Test cases for a College Social Networking project are a set of tests that are used to ensure that the project functions as intended and meets the requirements. Here are some examples of test cases that could be used for a College Social Networking project:

  1. User registration: Test the ability to create a new user account by providing valid and invalid inputs for the required fields.
  2. Login and Logout: Test the ability to log in to an existing account and log out of the system.
  3. Profile creation and editing: Test the ability to create and edit a user’s profile, including uploading a profile picture and updating personal information.
  4. Group creation and management: Test the ability to create and manage groups, including adding and removing members, and posting and commenting on group-related content.
  5. Event creation and management: Test the ability to create and manage events, including posting and commenting on event-related content.
  6. Search functionality: Test the ability to search for users, groups, and events, and ensure that the results are accurate and relevant.
  7. Messaging and notifications: Test the ability to send and receive messages, and receive notifications for new messages, group posts, and events.
  8. Security: Test the system for security vulnerabilities by attempting to perform unauthorized actions such as hacking the system or injecting malicious code.
  9. Usability: Test the overall usability of the system by having test users perform common tasks and evaluate the user experience.
  10. Mobile compatibility: Test the compatibility of the system with different mobile devices and web browsers to ensure that it works correctly on all platforms.

Test Cases for College Social Networking Project

  • Adding User:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If user type is not selectedusertypeKindly select user type.  SUCCESSFUL
2.If user name contains other than Character valuesnameName should contain only alphabets.SUCCESSFUL
    3.      If login id contains other than alphabets and digits    loginid    Only alphabets and numeric values are allowed.SUCCESSFUL
  4.  If password length is less than 8 characterspassword  Password must contain at least 8 characters.SUCCESSFUL
  5.  If password and confirm password does not match.password, confirmpassword  Password and Confirm password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
6.If status is not selectedstatusKindly select your status.SUCCESSFUL
  • User login:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
    1.    If login id contains other than alphabets and digitsloginidOnly alphabets and numeric values are allowed.SUCCESSFUL
2.  If  password contains less than 8 characters  passwordPassword must contain at least 8 characters..SUCCESSFUL
  • User Profile Update:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
  1.  If user name contains other than Character values.nameName should contain only alphabets.SUCCESSFUL
  • User Change Password:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If the old password contains less than 8 charactersoldpasswordPassword must contain at least 8 characters.SUCCESSFUL
2.If the new password contains less than 8 charactersnewpasswordPassword must contain at least 8 characters.SUCCESSFUL
3.If the password and confirm password does not matchnewpassword, confirmpasswordPassword and Confirm password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
  • Adding Student:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If student name contains other than Character valuesnameName should contain only alphabets.SUCCESSFUL
  2.  If roll number contains other than digitsrollnoOnly numeric values allowed.SUCCESSFUL
3.If course is not selectedcourseKindly select your course.SUCCESSFUL
4.If semester is not selected.semesterKindly select your semester.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Student Component
  • Student Registration:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If student name contains other than Character valuesnameName should contain only alphabets.SUCCESSFUL
2.If course is not selectedcourseKindly select your course.SUCCESSFUL
3.If semester is not selected.semesterKindly select your semester.SUCCESSFUL
  4.  If roll number contains other than digitsrollnoOnly numeric values allowed.SUCCESSFUL
  5.  If  password contains less than 8 characterspasswordPassword must contain at least 8 characters..SUCCESSFUL
  6.If password and confirm password does not matchpassword, confirmpasswordPassword and Confirm password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
  7.If E-mail ID is invalid  emailid  Invalid E-mail ID.SUCCESSFUL
  • Student login:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.  If the Registration Number and Password does not match.rollno, passwordInvalid Roll Number and passwordSUCCESSFUL
2.If roll number contains other than digitsrollnoOnly numeric values allowed.SUCCESSFUL
3.If  password contains less than 8 characterspasswordPassword must contain at least 8 characters..SUCCESSFUL
  • Student Profile Update:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If student name contains other than Character valuesnameName should contain only alphabets.SUCCESSFUL
  2.  If semester is not selectedsemesterKindly select your semester.SUCCESSFUL
  3.  If E-mail ID is invalidemailid  Invalid E-mail ID.SUCCESSFUL
  • Student Change Password:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If the old password contains less than 8 charactersoldpasswordPassword must contain at least 8 characters.SUCCESSFUL
2.If the new password contains less than 8 charactersnewpasswordPassword must contain at least 8 characters.SUCCESSFUL
3.    If the password and confirm password does not matchnewpassword, confirmpasswordPassword and Confirm password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
  • Student Forgot Password:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If the Registration Number and email ID does not match.rollno, emailidInvalid login credentials entered.SUCCESSFUL
2.If roll number contains other than digitsrollnoOnly numeric values allowed.SUCCESSFUL
  3.  If the E-mail ID is invalid.emailidEnter the valid email id.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Wallpost component:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If message is not enteredtextMessage cannot be empty.SUCCESSFUL
2.If image is not chosenimageKindly post image.SUCCESSFUL
  3.    If video is not chosenvideoKindly post video.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Notice component:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If notice type is not selectednoticetypeKindly select Notice type.SUCCESSFUL
2.If title is not enteredtitleTitle cannot be empty.SUCCESSFUL
  3.    If description is not entereddescriptionKindly add description.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Course component:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If course is not addedcoursetitleKindly add Course.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Subject component:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If course is not selected.coursetitleKindly select Course.SUCCESSFUL
2.  If semester is not selected.semesterKindly select semester.SUCCESSFUL
3.If subject is not added.subjectKindly add Subject.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Discussion component:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
  1.  If subject is not selectedsubjectSelect the subject.SUCCESSFUL
  2.  If title is not enteredtitleTitle must be enteredSUCCESSFUL
  3.  If description is not entereddescriptionDescription should not be empty.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Discussion Reply component:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If the title and uploads are empty.title, uploadsRepy cannot be empty.SUCCESSFUL

Test Unit: Study Material component:

Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If course is not selected.coursetitleKindly select Course.SUCCESSFUL
2.  If semester is not selected.semesterKindly select semester.SUCCESSFUL
3.If subject is not selected.subjectKindly select Subject.SUCCESSFUL
4.If title is not enteredtitleTitle should not be empty.SUCCESSFUL
  5.  If uploads are not addeduploadsKindly include uploads.SUCCESSFUL
  • Test Unit: Quiz Component:
    • Add Quiz:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
1.If course is not selectedcourseKindly select course.SUCCESSFUL
2.If semester is not selectedsemesterKindly select semester.SUCCESSFUL
3.If subject is not selectedsubjectKindly select subject.SUCCESSFUL
4.If title is not enteredtitleTitle must not be empty.SUCCESSFUL
  •  Add Questions:
Serial No.Condition To be TestedTest DataExpected OutputRemarks
  1.    If quiz question is not added.questionKindly add quiz question.SUCCESSFUL
2.If options are not addedoption1, option2, option3, option4Options cannot be empty.SUCCESSFUL
3.If correct answer is not selectedcorrectanswerKindly select the correct answer.SUCCESSFUL

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