Online News Portal

Online News Portal PHP MySQL

An online news portal is a website that provides news and information about current events, issues, and other topics of interest. Online news portals typically offer a range of content, including articles, videos, podcasts, and other multimedia formats, and may cover a wide range of topics such as politics, business, sports, entertainment, and more. They are a popular source of information for people who want to stay informed about current events and news from around the world.

Reading news through News paper is not a good solution in this era for news readers. The web World is so fast, there are many websites which provides instant news. The main objective building and developing of Online News Portal to provide instant news to news readers. This website provides information about latest news, articles, education, health tips, breaking news, political, sports, etc. The One more advantage of this project is here advertisers can upload advertising contents through online for website ads. Advertisers have option to make payment through online for published advertisements.

Online News Portal Project Explained (Video Demo)

Scope of the Project:

  1. News readers doesn’t require to login to the website. This project allows customer to read up to date news related to many fields like Latest news, political, national, international, financial, sports, entertainment, etc.
  2. Latest news will appear in the scroller and main pages.
  3. Admin or employee can post or publish articles and news. Published news and articles appears in the website.
  4. Admin can add a new post of news and can distinguish the post categories.
  5. Advertisers can post advertisement banners through online. Advertisement displays after making online payment. Admin can view income report online.
  6. In this system customer or visitors can post feedback or comments for each and every news and article

Software Interface:

  1. Front End: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  2. Back End: MySQL
  3. Browser: Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
  4. Application Server: XAMPP Server.

Modules of Online News Portal

  1. News module: This module used to publish news. Admin or employee can publish breaking news, latest news, Political, Financial, Sports, etc. Visitors or news readers can read published news content. Advertisements will appear in the right side of the news and articles section.
  2. Article module: This module used to publish articles or knowledge base. Admin or employee can publish articles of education, health tips, movies, story, etc. Visitors or news readers can read published article content. Advertisements will appear in the right side of the news and articles section.
  3. Dashboard module: The dashboard designed for administrator and employee to monitor complete features of the website. Admin has full authority to delete and update the records and Employee has limited authority.
  4. Advertisers Account: Employee creating advertiser account. Advertisers can publish ads by putting CPC cost. Advertisers can view published ads, expiry date, renewal date, Payment report, etc.
  5. Advertisement board: In the advertisement module the advertisers can post or publish advertisements in the website. The advertisement will display based on CPC and account balance.
  6. Payment module: In the payment module advertiser can make payment through online. After the payment the advertisement goes live.
  7. Settings module: GST tax settings can be done in this module. The total payment calculation depends on given tax settings.
  8. Transaction report module: Transaction module displays income of the website. This module displays transaction report of income and CPC clicks.

Users of Project:

  1. Administrators: Administrator is the main user who has full authority of the website. The website settings are available for administrator.
  2. Employee: Employees are workers who work for the company. Employees can upload latest news and articles in the website.
  3. Advertiser: Advertisers can promote digital advertisements through online by putting text ads, image ads to the official website.


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  • Download link contains Complete Project Source code and Project documentation (100+ Pages).
  • If you have any questions or need of clarification, contact us in WhatsApp.

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