Library Management System in VB.NET

Library Management System in VB.NET

Library Management System in VB.NET – After understanding the existing manual system and understanding the need for developing a new system, library staffs have been consulted for the collection of requirements. The data needed for the study has been collected from the library. Library Management System is a standalone System that supports multi user. It is mainly used for maintaining the book details, details about issued book, details about returned books, details about lost or damaged books, fine statements, student login details, etc.

Product Features

The major features of the Library Management System are organised according to its main components. The features of  the Library Management System  are as follows:

  • Keeps the track of the book details.
  • Student history.
  • Fine Statement.
  • Status of the book.
  • Up-to-date Reports are generated.
  • Reduces manual work  and time consumption
  • Provides Data security
  • No Data loss and Misuse of data is avoided.

Programming Language:

The Library Management System shall run in any Microsoft Windows environment that contains VB.Net platform and the Microsoft SQL Server database.

Modules of Library Management System

  • Book Module
    • Introduction: This module has the details regarding the books.
    • Input: Entering the book number, ISBN, book title, author, publisher, category.
    • Processing: Book information will be stored.
    • Output: Proper data will be stored as well as can be retrieved.
  • Student Account Module
    • Introduction: To access the library management application student have to register.  The registration contains all the details about the student. One should have an account in the library.
    • Input: Entering the registration number, name, address, contact number etc..
    • Processing: Student details will be stored.
    • Output: Proper data will be stored as well as can be retrieved.
  • Book Request Module
    • Introduction: This module is used by the student to request a book from the library
    • Input:  Enter the Student regno, book title, author, and publisher.
    • Processing: Book request details will be processed.
    • Output: Proper data will be stored as well as can be retrieved.
  • Book Issue Module
    • Introduction: This module is used by the librarian to issue a book to the student.
    • Input:  Librarian enters the book details, student details, issue date, due date.
    • Processing: Librarian checks the student history and issues the book to the student.
    • Output: Proper data will be stored as well as can be retrieved.
  • Return Book  Module                    
    • Introduction: In this module the librarian maintains the details of the books returned by the student, which also includes the fine details, damage book details, lost book details.
    • Input:  Librarian enters the book details, student details, return date, fine details.
    • Processing: Book status is updated.
    • Output: Proper data will be stored as well as can be retrieved.
  • Student History
    • Introduction: In this module both the student and librarian  can view the details about the previous issued books, requested books and returned books etc.
    • Input: Entering the student register umber.
    • Processing: Student histories will be generated.
    • Output: Reports are generated.

Description and priority

  • Login: User needs to enter the username and password to access the Application.
  • Registering students: To use the library management application student should be registered
  • Maintaining Book details: All the details about the book like delete, update can be viewed
  • Book request: Using the registration number student can request book.
  • Issue books: Depending upon the book request and student history, librarian can issue the book .
  • Return Books: Librarian maintains the details of the books returned by the student, and status of the book will be updated
  • Student History:  Both the student and librarian  can view the details about the previous issued books, requested books and returned books etc.
  • Change Password: User can change the Password by entering the Old Password.
  • Forgot Password: If user has forgotten the password,he can set the new password.
  • Exporting: Data could be exported to Excel.
  • Reports: Student  Reports will be generated.

Download Library Management System in VB.NET

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