News Paper Agency System

News Paper Agency System

News Paper Agency System is a circulation software and subscription management for newspaper and magazine distributors. It is a multiple newspaper subscription management software system that handles both newspaper and magazine circulation.  This newspaper circulation system is designed for small publishers and both small and large home delivery and retail outlet distribution operations; and will give you the kind of control you want and need when you are responsible for the management and delivery of many different kinds of newspaper and magazine publications.


News Paper Agency System Modules
• Login: User must provide their user name and password to get access the system, system validate user name and password. After successful login system will captured login date, time and allow to accessing the main screen and menu options as per user type.

• Main Menu: After successfully login system display main screen with available menu option to the user as per rights. It also display user name, last logged in date, time in bottom of the screen.

• User Master: The System Administrator can able to add, modify system users, and also set the login rights and privileges to particular system resources to particular user. Additional details like department name, contact no, email id of the users also captured.

• Change Password: User can change his/her own password.

• Customer Master: Maintain details of customer, like name, delivery address, delivery line no, delivery charges, customer contact no, flag for customer active, if customer is not available for some days in a month, just set customer this flag, no paper will deliver for this customer for the period.

• Supplier Master: Supplier master are used to maintain the supplier details like name, address, contact no of the supplier. Paper and magazine are supplied by the supplier.

• Product Master: Product Master used to enter product details like product id, product type i.e. News Paper or Magazine, product description, rate of the product, for news paper rate must be entered by day wise, most news paper having various type of rate for the each day.

• Line Master: All customers are grouped by line no, for easy to distribute the paper / magazine to the delivery boy. This module is used to maintain line details including name of the delivery boy, address, contact no.
• Receiver Master: Maintain the name of the payment receive details, while entering the amount received from customer into the system, this receiver name also select from the dropdown.

Customer Requirement:

This module used to enter customer requirement, for news paper system allow to set day wise requirement like for particular paper you can set the requirement for Sunday only. It is quite flexible module to set customer requirement. Search facility available for searching products.

• Stock Inward: This module used to enter inward stock for particular day. Stock are received from supplier and need to enter into system for tally the count. There is check available while transaction processing for the day. It will validate the count for each paper requirement and inward stock. There is two different screen available for entering the inward entry tabular and grid wise. There is also option for Import stock quantity directly from selected date. Usually quantity different paper of each Sunday will be same.

• Daily Transaction: It is the back end process to be run daily to update the daily transaction in transaction table and lock the transaction. The actual bill will calculate from this transaction. System will take the details from each active customer, their requirement and get paper rate, calculate the amount, update the transaction for billing.

• Task Reminder: This module will help the user to remind the daily task like Update the customer requirement, stock inward and transaction processing.

• Bill Generation: Bill generation module is used to create bill for the customer, system has option to generate bill for single customer, for single line and for all the customers. It also calculate the previous due amount, delivery charges which will add to transaction amount. Bill can also have option to enter customize message. After generating of bill, it can be printed over dos matrix printer. System has option to print dos-based high speed printing.
• Bill Receivable: Entry the amount received from the customer. This data will used to generate the outstanding bill report.
• Query/Search Module: System user can query for particular customer, product, line by their id and name, and can see the details accordingly.

• Monthly Sale Report: It shows the details of news paper and magazine sale for the selected month.

• Daily Sale Report: It shows the details of news paper and magazine sale day wise.

• Balance Receivable: Shows customer wise balance amount receivable.

• Stock Inward: Show the details of stock inward for selected report.

• Line wise product requirement: Shows line wise product and magazine count, this report will help to distribute the paper and magazine.

Technology Used
Visual Basic 6
MS Access
Crystal Report


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rasika pawar

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provide the download link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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