Reading the newspaper on daily basis is important to get knowledge on latest happenings around the world. But unfortunately because of busy work schedule we might miss certain updates. With Onetouch News Feed app you can read all latest news updates on your fingertips. The basic GPRS connections support the viewing of your favorite local newspaper on your mobile itself. Application updates information from different sources in systematized way.
Smartphone devices that support the Android operating system are ubiquitous. In addition to serving as a phone device, smartphones are also capable of accessing the Internet and executing sophisticated embedded software applications. As a result of this, the demand of applications developed in Android platform is increasing.
Stay updated with breaking news, current events & daily news headlines on politics, business, technology, , sports, live cricket score & more for India & World. This means discovering, categorizing, and storing news feeds is simply easy.
Project title: Onetouch News Feed
- Read news from national as well as regional newspaper
- Customized notification sent on each feed update.
- Auto update all fresh news feeds
- Share News over SMS, Whatsapp, Email, Facebook or any other app you have installed
- It’s very customizable to whatever kind of news you’re interested in and it presents it in a very appealing format.
Project Category: Mobile application
Hardware and Software requirements:
The project is developed in Java Programming Language by Using the Eclipse integrated Development Environment (IDE). Android Software Development Toolkit (SDK) id used, which includes a variety of custom tools that help us in developing mobile applications on the Android platform. The most important of these are the Android Emulator and the Android Development Tools(ADT) plug in for Eclipse.
- Java 1.6 runtime
- integrated development Toolkit
- Android Development Tools (ADT) plug in for Eclipse
- Android Emulator
“One touch news feed” app gives you an easy access to news throughout the day and keeps you updated. It covers in-depth reporting of the current happenings in the country. Due to the growing use of android platform software cell phones, the need of a new and genuine android application is increasing. This app does exactly what it promises and includes some other useful features as well.
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