Table Design of College Social Network

A Table Design of College Social Network project would typically include several tables to store and organize the data for the different functionalities of the system. Here is an a table design for a College Social Networking project.

The database for socialnetwork is organized into 16 tables: 

  • course
  • subject
  • user
  • student
  • notice
  • chat
  • group_chat
  • chat_message
  • timeline
  • timeline_comments
  • quiz
  • question
  • quiz_result
  • study_material
  • discussion
  • discussion_reply

Table Design of College Social Network

Each entity can be described as follows along with its attributes:

Table name: student

The student table stores student records.

student_idint(10)Primary keyStudent ID
student_namevarchar(25)NullStudent name
roll_novarchar(20)UniqueStudent Roll Number
Passwordvarchar(100)NullStudent password
student_imgvarchar(100)NullStudent profile image
course_idint(10)Foreign keyCourse ID
about_studentTextNullAbout student
email_idvarchar(25)NullEmail ID
mob_novarchar(15)NullMobile Number
statusvarchar(10)NullStudent status

Table name: subject

The subject is the master table  which stores subject details

subject_idint(10)Primary keySubject ID
subjectvarchar(40)NullSubject name
course_idint(10)Foreign keyCourse ID
noteTextNullSubject note
statusvarchar(10)NullSubject status

Table name: user

The user table stores administrator and staff information

user_idint(10)Primary keyUser ID
user_typevarchar(25)NullUser type
user_imgTextNullUser Image
login_idvarchar(25)UniqueLogin ID

Table name: course

The course table is the master table which stores course records

course_idint(10)Primary keyCourse ID
coursevarchar(25)NullCourse title
course_descriptiontextNullCourse description
statusvarchar(10)NullCourse status – Active or Inactive

 Table name: timeline

The timeline table stores published wallpost contents.

timeline_idint(10)Primary keyTimeline ID
student_idint(10)Foreign keyStudent ID
post_typevarchar(20)NullPost type – Photo, video or Text
text_messageTextNullText message
image_pathTextNullImage page
video_pathTextNullVideo path
date_timeDatetimeNullPublished date and time

Table name: timeline_comments

The timeline comments table stores comment which is published for wallpost.

timeline_comment_idint(10)Primary keyTimeline comment ID
comment_typevarchar(15)NullTimeline comment type
student_idint(10)Foreign keyStudent ID
timeline_idint(10)Foreign keyTimeline ID
messageTextNullComment message
date_timeDatetimeNullComment date and time

Table name: chat

The chat table stores chat records

chat_idint(10)Primary keyChat ID
student_id1int(10)Foreign keyChat message sender ID
student_id2int(10)Foreign keyChat message receiver ID

Table name: chat_message

The chat message table stores chat messages.

chat_message_idint(10)Primary keyChat message ID
chat_idint(10)Foreign keyChat ID
group_chat_idint(10)Foreign keyGroup chat ID
student_idint(10)Foreign keyStudent ID
date_timeDatetimeNullMessage received date and time
messageTextNulltext message
message_statusvarchar(10)NullChat message status

Table name: group_chat

The group_chat is the table which contains group chat messages.

group_chat_idint(10)Primary keyGroup chat ID
course_idint(10)Foreign keyCourse ID


Table name: discussion

The discussion table stores discussion details.

discussion_idint(10)Primary keyDiscussion ID
course_idint(10)Foreign keyCourse ID
subject_idint(10)Foreign keySubject ID
discussion_titlevarchar(100)NullDiscussion title
discussion_descriptionTextNullDiscussion description
date_timeDatetimeNullDate time
student_idint(10)Foreign keyStudent ID
statusvarchar(10)NullDiscussion status

Table name: discussion_reply

The discussion reply stores discussion reply records

discussion_reply_idint(10)Primary keyDiscussion reply ID
discussion_idint(10)Foreign keyDiscussion ID
student_idint(10)Foreign keyStudent ID
user_idint(10)Foreign keyUser ID
messageTextNullDiscussion reply Message
uploadsvarchar(100)NullUploaded documents
date_timeDatetimeNullDiscussion reply date and time

Table name: notice

The notice table stores published events, news and meeting records.

notice_idint(10)Primary keyNotice ID
notice_typevarchar(25)NullNotice type
user_idint(10)Foreign keyUser ID
titlevarchar(100)NullNotice title or heading
descriptionTextNullNotice content
uploadsTextNullNotice uploading files.
date_timeDatetimeNullNotice date and time
statusvarchar(10)NullNotice status

Table name: quiz

The quiz table stores the detailed information of quiz

quiz_idint(10)Primary keyQuiz ID
user_idint(10)Foreign keyUser ID
course_idint(10)Foreign keyCourse ID
subject_idint(10)Foreign keySubject ID
titlevarchar(100)NullQuiz title
descriptionTextNullQuiz detailed information

Table name: question

The question table stores quiz question, options and answers

quiz_question_idint(10)Primary keyQuiz question ID
quiz_idint(10)Foreign keyQuiz ID
questionTextNullQuiz question
option1TextNullOption 1
option2TextNullOption 2
option3TextNullOption 3
option4TextNullOption 4
correct_ansvarchar(10)NullCorrect answer
statusvarchar(10)NullQuestion status

Table name: quiz_result

The quiz result stores published quiz result.

quiz_result_idint(10)Primary keyQuiz result ID
quiz_idint(10)Foreign keyQuiz ID
student_idint(10)Foreign keyStudent ID
quiz_question_idint(10)Foreign keyQuiz question ID
selected_optionvarchar(10)Foreign keyAnswer ID
correct_ansvarchar(10)NullCorrect answer
date_timeDatetimeNullAttended Date time

Table name: study_material

The study_material table stores uploaded study materials.

study_material_idint(10)Primary keyStudy material ID
course_idint(10)Foreign keyCourse ID
subject_idint(10)Foreign keySubject ID
titlevarchar(100)NullStudy material title
user_idint(10)Foreign keyUploaded faculty id
descriptionTextNullStudy material descripton
uploadsTextNullDocuments uploaded
date_timeDatetimeNullPublished date and time

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