An Online Hospital Management System is a web application that is used to manage and coordinate the various functions and activities of a hospital or medical facility. The system typically includes modules for managing patient records, scheduling appointments, managing staff and resources, tracking patient treatment and progress, and billing. The goal of an Online Hospital Management System is to streamline and automate hospital processes, reduce the risk of errors, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. By providing a centralized platform for managing and accessing patient records, scheduling appointments, and coordinating care, the system can help to reduce administrative burdens and improve patient outcomes. It can also help hospitals to better manage their resources, including staff, equipment, and facilities, and to generate reports and analytics that can be used to improve performance and quality of care. Overall, an Online Hospital Management System is a valuable tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery, and it has the potential to significantly improve the patient experience and outcomes.
Video Demo of Online Hospital Management System
Brief Details about Project
- Online appointment system for patients
- In patient and Out patient report
- Manage doctor account
- Manage patient account
- Create, manage appointment with patient
- Create prescription for patient
- Treatment report
- Transaction reports of patient payment
- Order medicines through online
- Project title is Online Hospital Management System.
- onlinehospitalmanagementsystem is the database name. This has 18 tables i.e; admin, appointment, billing, billing_records, department, doctor, doctor_timings, medicine, orders, patient, payment, prescription, prescription_records, room, service_type, treatment, treatment_records, user.
- Page name dbconnection.php has database configuration details.
Modules of Online Hospital Management System
1) Registration module
2) Login module
3) Online appointment module
4) Doctor account
5) Patient account
6) Treatment module
7) Prescription module
8) Payment module
9) Room allotment module
10) Many more
How the project works?
If patient wants to take appointment through online he needs to register to the system by entering his profile details. After the registration patient needs to login to the system. After the login patient can view his account details. Even patient can take appointment through online. By default the status shows pending. Administrator should approve the appointment taken by patient. Profile can be modified. Password can be changed. Patient can view prescription details which is provided by doctor. Even the patient can view treatment details. These modules are there in patient module. Now I will show doctor module. This is the doctor account page. In the settings doctors profile and password can be updated. Doctor can view all appointment records. and doctor can approve appointment which is taken by patient.
After approval doctor can add treatment and prescription details. Treatment detail which has added comes under patient report. Doctor can add Prescription details after treatment. Both treatment and prescription details will be calculated automatically while adding under doctors treatment record. At the end bill amount will be displayed with total amount. Tax will calculated automatically. Doctor can view all patient record. Doctor can set their available timings. Doctor can view their income report. These are the features available for doctor. Now We will explain about administrator module. This is admin account page. Administrator can access all the features what doctor has. But only settings feature is there only for administrator. Only the Admin can add department records, Treatment records and prescription records.
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- Complete Source code with Sample database
- Complete Project Documentation
- Purchase Link for Source code and Documentation
Fatima Nasir Awan
Hi, I have just watched your video regarding the project of hospital management system . It is quiet impressive. One request I can do that can you give me free access as I’m the student of BS 4th semester and I highly need this project kindly dropdown the source code on this email :[email protected]. I shall really be thankful if you do so.