Database design of College Network System

Database design of College Network System involves creating a database structure that is optimized for efficient data storage and retrieval. It includes designing tables, data types, relationships, stored procedures, and triggers. The database should also include security measures to ensure the data is not accessed by unauthorized users. When designing a database for a college network system, it is important to consider the size of the network, the types of data that will be stored, the frequency of data updates, and the purpose of the network. Some important considerations include scalability, redundancy, performance, and security. Additionally, the database should be normalized and properly indexed to ensure efficient data access.

This document covers Database design of College Network System. A database is an inherent collection of data with some inherent meanings, designed, built, and populated with data for a specific purpose. The following guidelines are been followed during the database design:

  • Descriptive names for the tables, columns and indexes
  • Singular names for tables and columns
  • Proper data type for each column

This document describes the tables that are used to design the software, its attributes, data type, constraints, and relationship among these tables. The relationships among tables are defined via E-R Diagram (Entity-Relationships). A diagrammatical representation of relationships between an entity and its attributes is referred to as E-R model. ER model concentrates on the structure of the database and design of the database. ER model is mainly used in the design of the conceptual schema in database design. An entity may be an object with physical or conceptual existence. The properties that are used to describe the entity are called attributes. Entities that do not have key attributes of their own are called weak entity type. The relationship type that relates a weak entity to its owner is called identifying relation of the weak entity type. A weak entity type always has a total participation constraint with respect to its identifying relation.

  • Database name: Collegenetworking
  • Table name:- college

Database design of College Network System

collegeidbigint(10)NoId of the college
collegenamevarchar(50)NoName of the college
collegelocationvarchar(50)NoLocation of the college

Table name:- image

imgidbigint(8)NoImage Id
imagnamevarchar(20)NoName of the image
imgcategoryvarchar(20)NoImage category
descriptionvarchar(50)NoImage description
uploadimagevarchar(25)NoPath of the image

Table name:- pracdemo

videoidbigint(8)NoVideo Id
videonamevarchar(25)NoName of the video
videosectionvarchar(25)NoSection of the video
videosubjectvarchar(25)NoVideo subject
uploadvideovarchar(25)NoPath of the video
descriptionvarchar(50)NoBrief description of the video

Table name:- questionanswer

qidbigint(8)NoQuestion Id
answervarchar(70)NoCorrect answer
option1varchar(70)NoOption 1
option2varchar(70)NoOption 2
option3varchar(70)NoOption 3
option4varchar(70)NoOption 4
visiblevarchar(25)NoIf value of visible is true then user can answer for this question  otherwise not.

Table name:- questionpaper

paperidbigint(8)NoQuestion Paper Id
Papernamevarchar(25)NoQuestion paper name
subjectvarchar(20)NoSubject name
sectionvarchar(20)NoStudent Section name
descriptionvarchar(50)NoBrief description of Question paper
uploadvarchar(50)NoPath of the file
uploadtexttextNoUploaded text file

Table name:- studentaccount

idbigint(8)NoStudent Account Id
firstnamevarchar(25)NoStudent First name
lastnamevarchar(25)NoStudent Last name
emailvarchar(30)NoStudent Email Id
confirmpasswordvarchar(30)NoConfirmation password
dobDateNoDate of Birth
10 thoughts on “Database design of College Network System”
  1. please send me full documentation of the project that contains abstract, introduction,
    requirement analysis, design, implementation and testing.

  2. i like this project. i can do. so please send me full database table used in the College Network System….
    plz upload database……plzzzzz….

  3. please send me full database table used in the
    College Network System….
    plz upload database……plzzzzz….

  4. love to watch these again and again, trying to develop a social site for colleges in Ghana and all students in the world…………………….

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