Pick and Place Robotic Arm

Pick and Place Robotic Arm

Robotics and Android application can make wonders if used and implemented together. It can make many works easier than expected. The human efforts can also be reduced. The main aim of this project is to design the robot which will be able to pick and place the object in its place using the Robotic arm and control its functions through the android application. An Android application must be developed that will be able to control the functionality of the robotic arm. If the Android based pick and place robotic arm application is implemented then many of the simple tasks can be done using this Robotic Arm.

Pick and Place Robotic Arm

Robotics is one of the leading fields today and also many inventions have been seen in it. But if the Android application development is merged with the Robotics then there will be significant progress. Many of the tougher jobs can be made simpler. The Android phone acts as a controller which will be used to control the functionality of the Robotic arm. Control of the movement like to move left or right or forward or backward of the robotic arm will be controlled by the Android phone having this application installed in it. Nowadays robots are replacing the humans in the work field.  Many industries have already replaced the humans by robots which will do the work without any defects. It will also result in earning more profit for the industries. This project can be used for domestic and industrial purposes which will reduce the human effort. You can design the robot arm such a way that both the light weight and heavy weight objects. The robotic arm can be mounted on the robotic vehicle. People will be able to benefit a lot from this application since many of our work can be done in an easier way.

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