Online Law System

Online Law System

Law and order in the country is one of the prime factors that are responsible for maintaining peace and harmony in the country. If law exists, then peace will exist as expected. Online Law System project is one of the interesting project ideas that can be implemented which will allow the users to know about the laws existing in the country. The crime rates in our country have been increasing day by day. People are unaware of the criminal laws that are put forth by our constitution. If they know for which case which law applies the task would be easier. This is one of the rare project ideas that one can get.

The people are unaware of the laws that are existing in the country. Using this application the people will be aware of the laws existing. This application allows them to search, find and understand about the particular laws they need and can improve their knowledge regarding it. They will not be knowing as to which punishment will be given a particular crime is committed. By getting knowledge about the laws prevailing in the country there can be chances in the reduction of the crime rates in the country with great ease.

Law Tech which provides a web portal gateway for Lawyers and their clients. Using this system the clients can contact directly without having to visit the lawyers office physically. Lawyers can update clients case status, Completed case status, Fee records, Next date for the case, etc.


  • It supports multiple login system.
  • The administrator has all rights of manipulating the data.
  • Lawyers can view the data according to their clients.
  • Clients can directly communicate with their lawyer by mail or chat.
  • In this application the lawyers can maintain the information of the client and the case which is going to be start.
  • It allows keep track of clients cases and allows Lawyers to update the respective case details online.
  • This application also maintains the fee transaction details.
  • The system maintains the details of cases. These will be the fixed details for a particular case and should include court name, lawyer name, dates of hearing, start date etc
  • It generate alerts for dates of next hearing
  • Maintain the records of each proceeding and it will be linked to the respective case id.
  • To generate report by using search functionality.

The features that can be included in the online law system project application are as follows:

  • Records maintenance: The Android law system project will help the administration in maintaining the record of a person and his information related to the law.
  • Information: The people can get the information about the various laws that are there in the country.
  • Easy access: This application can be accessed anytime and anywhere from the world.
  • User friendly: This application will be user friendly since the user interface will be simple and easy to understand even by the common man. 

Product perspective

In this present generation, Court Cases for lawyers have increased and its an uphill task For a lawyer to keep record of all the case details and the complexity associated with it. But  with the current technology that exists in this world, its merely on a buttons click to do just the same using Law Tech.

Law Tech is a form of Book keeping in the most efficient way possible using the best techonology of software development available,which not only enables us to keep track of all details related to the case,(that have been inserted and updated based on our needs). But also settlement details and time keeper. Which otherwise a normal circumstances needs a lot of time and manual work without the software.

This is very usefull for customers to track their case status, lawyer details. And they can directly communicate with their lawyer by mail or chat.

The report of any case can be checked by the various search options that include case date, case name, party name, case number, status of court number. Even for additional information,we can use the option of ‘advanced search’ that does a complete recess of all the data stored in the system. This is a time keeping feature that enables the lawyer to keep track of the pending tasks and hearing dates.

Programming Language:

ASP.NET and its connected to SQL database.

Modules of Online Law System

  • Account module: This module is for lawyers to manage lawyers account. Administrator is the main user in this module and he can add, edit lawyers information.
  • Clients module: This module is for clients. In this module customer can check their registered case status, billing status, etc. Every clients gets a login ID and password to access the system. Clients can check their account status by entering login id and password. Error messages will be displayed if login ID or password is incorrect.
  • Case registration module: In this module customer can register new case by entering nature of the case, case category, location and their contact information. All the record stores in the database. Using this lawyers can check and communicate with their customer.
  • Case records module: In this module lawyer can update customers case status and the documents. Customer has provision  to view case status. In this module we can keep track of all the details related to case. User can view the cases court wise, status wise and date wise on this dashboard. User can view the hearing details court wise and date wise on this dashboard by clicking on “Hearing Details” link. User can also view the cases date wise by further selecting the “From Date” and “To Date”
  • Billing module: In this module lawyer can generate invoice records and they can send payment request to customers to make  payment.
  • Mail settings: This module is administrator. Here administrator can send mail to the customers and they can configure their mail features. The mail goes automatically if lawyer updates any case status.
  • Chat module: This module is usefull for customers and lawyers by making online chat. In this module customer can communicate with their lawyers regarding case through online.
  • Reminder module: This module is to add case reminder by entering date, month, year and case details. This will send alert mail on given date.
  • Reports module: This module is for customers and lawyers and it displays complete case report status. The search option has been given to search the case status and case report. This module categorised to display Completed case status, Pending case status, Closed case status.

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