Here we uploaded Leave Management System Complete Project. This project is developed in Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft Access Driver. This project is developed for KIOCL Employees. This project is best project idea for BCA and Diploma students. The main motto behind creating this application is to automate the leave management of the employees of KIOCL. It must also maintain the records of power consumed by every employee staying in the Company Quarters. It must reduce the manual effort required to keep and maintain the records pertaining to employee leaves.
Scope of Leave Management System Project
- It must have option to create master like employees, Designation and department
- It must accept the leave application from employee based on the company norms.
- HR must have option for leave approval.
- It must generates reports based on the data available
- It must maintain employee power consumption record.
Project Meta Information
- Project Name: Leave Management System
- Front End: VB.NET
- Back End: Microsoft Access Driver
- Minimum Software Requirements: Visual Studio and Microsoft Office
Product Perspective
This software is developed specifically to cater the KIOCL employees Leave management, is totally self contained and works efficiently. It provides simple database rather than complex ones for high requirements and it provides good and easy graphical user interface to both new as well as experienced user of the computer.
Modules of Leave Management System
- Masters: This module creates the initial data required so that other functional modules can work open them. It maintains the basic records pertaining to employees, Departments and designation.
- Leave management: This module accepts the leave application from employees based on his past leave history and the leaves permitted by company. The HR can then approve the leaves.
- Power Consumption: This module accepts the details pertaining to the power consumption by employees staying in quarters.
can u plz help me in providing the source code for leave management system in vb
i want employee leave management system project in visual studio 2010 with documentation.
hey can i het the synopsis for this project plz…….my email id is [email protected]
hi !!
how can i get the codes of this system
download link is available to download source code
hai i am doing online leave management in with c# ,if u have plz send me to my email address.
ok send rquirements..
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I want online voting system project using if u have plz send to my email address
can u plz help me in providing the source code for leave management system in java
If you have project requirements please send it to [email protected]