Bus Ticket Reservation System

We have developed Bus Ticket Reservation System using PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL. This is the online project works in the website. In this project Passenger books the ticket and he pays through online. This project provides bus details, route information, seats details, billing details, ticket information, seat cancellation, etc.

Bus Ticket Reservation System

The existing system is not user friendly and the user needs to enter all the details of the passenger manually. It consumes lots time and very confusion. Even in the existing system the passenger has to visit the ticket counter to book the ticket.This is not user friendly.

The passenger can search bus details by entering from and to place. After that he has to select departure date, number of passengers, bus type and seat type. The system will search in the database. After searching the system will display the list of buses. To book the ticket the passenger must create account in the website. The passenger can book the tickets after making payment. Passenger registration required to book ticket. Administrator check weekly report, monthly report, etc. Here Complete Project source code is uploaded. busticket is the database folder.

Bus Ticket Reservation System 

Functions of this project:

  • User friendly ticket booking option – The details of bus, bus route, Price list, drivers and employee details are maintained in the admin panel.
  • The details of buses and its seatchs maintained and can be updated regularly in the admin panel.
  • Login and book options available for passengers. Passenger needs to register at least one time.
  • Change password, Add users, View users options are available for admin.
  • It will generate the quick reports
  • The calculation part and billing part has very accuracy and efficient.

Software Languages:

Front End : PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)

Back End : MySQL Server

Note: The system works in any platform. Kindly install XAMPP or any software to test this project. You must change database configuration details in the script. Its developed using core PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) and its very easy to edit.

pageran awang hitam

i need a document about this project…

Orgest Koka

where can i get the database files for the BUS Ticket reservation system….??

Orgest Koka

I can’t find sql file …

Emmanuel Pobee

Please where can i get the database files for the BUS Ticket reservation system

Terry Dangwa

the script looks fine but where can i get it with all files..the one i downloaded gt missing files including images


is there anybody who has sql file?

deepak magar

plz do keep the mysql code too

pageran awang hitam

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:xampphtdocsbusticketmain.php on line 9

Notice: Use of undefined constant login – assumed ‘login’ in C:xampphtdocsbusticketmain.php on line 16


Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:xampphtdocsbusticketmain.php on line 23

somebody help me…


There is no database file. Kindly upload it. Thanks


ive just dowloaded it..let me hav a check… 


main.php file is missing also .sql file plz upload the project again

Pradeep Patnaik

I cannot find the database file or the other files in the index.php_files folder. Your main.php file is referring to some images in the index.php_files but they are not available. Please do let me know if this system is working or no. If yes, can you please help.

Anwar Emon

can not find the Mysql table in zip file , please help


Dear Sir,

I don’t find the Mysql table in the zip.Please help me by givig the Mysql table.


how to creat database in this project???
i can’t access database


i can’t access database how to get all the table of this online bus ticket project???


I am looking for simple Web Based Ticketing solution. The solution provide simple open and closed ended Ticket booking & Generation for Bus, Rail, Air, Water, Event and soccer Ticketing services. Do we have ready made software available.

shweta padmanabhan

i feel this script is incomplete.pls tell me how do i setup this project.which file to open for setup.


I don’t find the Mysql table.Please help me by givig the Mysql table.
I am waiting for your reply.


I don’t find the Mysql table.Please help me by givig the Mysql table.
I am waiting for your reply.


I have the same thing as my final year project and i need to know about the different tables you have used in this project.Thank you….


i want the complete srs on online bus reservation system


Pls. I’m getting errors installing this application… Pls I need help! Thanks!


please im having problem installing this script. pls. help! im doing the same project as my final year project. any help shall be appreciated. thanks

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