The main purpose for creating this Electronic Shop Management System software application is to automate all management and works of the electronic shop. This maintains the purchasing, sales, stocks, service, employee payroll and reports. This application will reduce the manual operation required to maintain all the records of purchasing, sales and service.
This Electronic Shop Management System Software application allows you to search a number of items available in stocks and also generates sales and purchasing reports. It also keeps the track of servicing Hence its main intension is to computerize all the transaction of electronic shop. There is no need of internet connection since it will be a offline project.
Customer, Products, Billing Generation: Automate the current manual bill generation system and maintain the searchable customer, products database and product invoice.
Report Generation: A Report Generation system will be developed for the user and management of Invoicing System. This system will have both details and summary type reports for analysis the sales volume, sales trend, and service records.

Programming Language:
- Front End: VB.NET
- Back End: SQL Server
- Project Category : Stand Alone/Software Application/DBMS project
Modules of Electronic Shop Management System
- Product: When a new product is manufactured by the company, it can be easily added to the present list of product. Also the product name can be edited if necessary. Along with this any outdated product can easily be deleted which seems no profit. The rates of the dealer’s product differ completely from the customer’s product.
- Dealers: Any new dealers who wish to join the company for the marketing purpose can be added to the list along with the name of the route, where that particular dealer resides.
- Employee: When a new employee joins the company, his record is saved in the database.
- Salary Calculation: Here salary is calculated for each employee based on their attendance.
- Registration: As soon as the employee joins the company, the admin provides unique username and password to him/her.
- Order: Here the dealer, order products by providing his Dealer number for identification and a unique order number will be generated from the software.
- Bill: As soon as the dealer’s orders are confirmed, a bill can be generated including the dealers name and the specified route.
- Sales Report: Here the user can look through the sales by the customer for a particular day or for certain duration.
- Purchase Report: Here the user can see the purchase done from different Suppliers for a particular day or for certain duration.
- Stocks: This module is used to keep track of the Stocks of Electronic Items along with their quantities. Here the items will be categorized according to the category type, product type.
- Service: This Module will look after the servicing of the Electronic sales. It will include the Service Id, Product Id, Product Name along with the employee or engineer who repaired it.
- Logout: This module allows the user to Logout the application. Further operations cannot be performed after user exits.
User Types
- Administrator who should have the basic Knowledge of computers and should be able to handle Visual Basic in order to perform tasks. An Admin can access to any users profile whereas a user cannot access neither to Admin’s profile nor to any other user’s profile.
- User who should have the basic Knowledge of computers and should be able to handle Visual Basic in order to perform tasks and who wishes to read about what this project can do.
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pratik shirke
provide this project for RS.450