Food Restaurant Management System project is to maintain the restaurant transaction with the KOT (Kitchen order ticket) for customer satisfaction and the final bills. This system generates a report which will be having details of daily transaction. It maintains the item details and its stock, raw materials stock, KOT generation for order, bill generation and order. Here we can maintain, add and retrieve all the records like Item details record, employee record and records of daily transaction etc, in a single database.
Food Restaurant Management System is comprehensive offline Hotel Management Software. It is designed for better interaction between User and management. This Hotel management system helps the user to generate billing easily. The purpose of the Food Restaurant Management System is to generate bills and item details to the customer. The clear understanding of the Restaurant management and its functionality will allow for the correct software to be developed for the end user and will be used for the development of the future stages of the project.
The purpose of the system is to generate bills and item details to the customer. The clear understanding of the Restaurant management and its functionality will allow for the correct software to be developed for the end user and will be used for the development of the future stages of the project.
Scope of the project:
The software to be developed deals with creating a Hotel Management system which will automate the major Restaurant operations such as generating COD, billing and keeping track of records of daily transaction.Admin have the authority to control and modify the database.
Software Requirements:
- Front end : Visual studio 2010
- Back end : MY SQL Server 2008
- Languages : VB.Net
- Operating System : Windows 7 or above
- Frame work : Net Frame work 4.0
Product Function:
- User Creation
- Login
- Change Password
- Stock Maintenance
- Generation of KOT
- Bill Payment
- Report Generation
- Employee Creation
- Salary Generation
- Attendance Generation
- Item Generation
I want this project as soon as possible connect me 8922804595 on this no.
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