In the E-Voting System the people can cast their vote through online. In this system the administrator adds all voters list in the database. After adding the administrator provides login details with voter id to the users. The voters can vote for the candidates by entering their login id and password. The admin can schedule voting times with date and time. The voters can’t vote after the expiry date. At the end the system displays result immediately after voting.
Modules E-Voting System:
- Voters module: In this module the administrator can registers voters profile. After adding the system the administrator can provide login credentials to the voters.
- Candidate module: In the candidate module the administrator can add candidate details those who participate for the election.
- Login module: The login module allows voters to participate election by entering their login details.
- Voting panel: In the voting panel the voters can select and vote for candidates. The voters can vote only once for candidates.
- Admin module: The admin module has complete settings of the website where admin can modify complete settings of the website. The administrator can schedule date and timings of the vote.
- Result module: In the result module the system displays results immediately after completion of scheduled date and time.
- Report module:The report module which displays candidates report, voters report, election report, etc.
Security levels: To decrease voter frauds this voting system has two levels of security. One is the voters must login to the website to vote. Another is user must enter Voting ID to vote.
Programming language: This web page is designed using ASP.NET and SQL server as backend. The ASP pages connected to SQL server So all the record stores in SQL database.
Future scope of the project: Security level is more important for this project. In future we can add face recognition feature and bio-metric features to increase further security.