Using Web File Management system users can store files, documents, images, videos through online in a secured manner. In this user can store documents and files in any format and share them as a link with users. It’s a online web application here all the file details stores in MySQL Database and file stores in the server.
- This file manager which stores files, documents, images, video presentations, etc without any limit.
- This system is designed to allow bank employees to upload and download files from Web File Manager.
- The main objective of Web File Manager project is it Stores files online and share them securely with anyone, within the bank employees group or among branch employees.
- The bank administrator can create employee’s database, each one with his assigned folder.
- When the branch admin or Bank employees upload a file in a employee’s folder, the employee will receive an email of the new file and with a link to download it.
- The employee can also log into the system any time and he can change the setting of the existing files.
- Design interface: HTML, CSS, AJAX.
- Front End: PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) 5.2
- Back end: MySQL Server 5.5
- Server: Apache server 1.8.2
- IDE: Adobe Dreamweaver CS 6.0
Project Modules:
- Login module
- Accounts module
- Configuration module
- Upload module
- File management module
- Notification module