College Management System in visual basic 6.0

College Management System in visual basic 6.0 – The project College Management System developed using visual basic 6.0 and Oracle database. The clerk of the college filling the Admission Details. The masters information consist of storing the details of course available, the subject of particular course, the teacher information, the holiday information, etc. Attendance entries consist of two main aspects which are, Student Attendance and Teacher Attendance. The marks entry process is used to store the information of marks of different test that area taken during the whole year. The purchase details is used to give the details of purchase. Report module generates student report, teachers report, marks report, attendance report, purchase report, etc.

College Management System VB 6.0 is a computerized college management system that automates all of the functions of a college. It has many features including a database for each section, a login access for students, and more. The system aims to reduce the time taken in searching for students and documents by automating the college management functions. The College Management System VB 6.0 is designed with the programming language VB 6.0and SQL database. It offers features such as introduction of the college, courses tab, fees tab, and system specifications. The system has several modules such as Admin, Students, Faculty, and System Specifications. It helps to reduce costs by reducing the amount of paper, time, and energy used.

College Management System in visual basic 6.0

The modules of College Management System are:

  • Admission Details module: The Admission Root is used to enter details of students studying in college. It includes the course in which the student is studying, the year number and the roll number of the student.
  • Master Configuration module: The Masters Root can be selected when the user want to perform administrative work. It includes information regarding the courses offered by the college, details of teacher in the college, details of devices used in the college, details of vendor from whom we purchase the devices etc.
  • Attendance module: The Student Attendance module is used to store daily attendance of the students that are studying in the college. The Teacher Attendance module is used to store daily attendance of all the teachers that are teaching in the college.
  • Marks module: The Marks Entry is used to enter different marks of different test taken in the college of all students.
  • Purchase module: The Purchase module is used to store information of all relation of vendor and items that are purchased by the college. It also include price of items.
  • Report module: There are mainly three types of reports, i.e; Student Details report, Staff Attendance report and Vendor & Item Report

Software requirements:
Front-end: Visual Basic 6.0
Back-end: Oracle 8.0


pls send me source code my id : [email protected]


Can i get the source code in Visual Basic for searching a particular student name from MS-Access database


plz send me the source code of the above


I downloaded the project from the link. But, I couldn’t run it. It is showing me some errors.

How do I run a downloaded vb project??

Sir/Mam, Could you please mail me the correct, running source code of the College Management System along with the MDI Forms and Data Reports with the documentation asap?? Could you please elaborate on how to run it??

[email protected]

Awaiwaitng your maour mail!!!

Thank you!!!


Statron van Jay

can i get the source code via email plz ([email protected])


can anyone send email to me ([email protected]) college management source code.Thanks.


please send me the source codes vai email

Ain Syafiha

please send me the source code via email


please send me the source code via email


i need the source code for this pls mail me


Good one guys, can you please send the full report to my email: [email protected], as urgent as you can. Thanks.


steps to run Visual basic college management system project.Please mail to [email protected] and its software requirements


can i get the complete synopsis of this?

Ahmed Alali

sir i can get source code via email? ([email protected])

maya ghadoje

plz ……………sir i can get source code via email?

touch barang

i cant download it…how can i download projectsss.. why ?

k calling k

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pliz can i get source codes via email?


can i get the source code for this plzzzzzzz.


what is the password?


i cant download it…how can i download projectsss..
there is some new in vb..


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I can’t download it! only file list shown . . . how to download that project?

basappa sheegihalli

fantastic sir this make work easy owesome

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