The development of Online Charity Club system objective is to provide the solution to the problems of existing system. By using this new system, we can fully automate the entire process of the current system. The new system would like to make as web-enabled so that the information can be shared between the members at any time using the respective credentials. To track the status of an individual process, the status update can be centralized using the new system. Being a web-enabled system, the process can be accessed across the world over net.
This system also providing the features like Chatting, Mailing between the members; Images Upload – Download via the web site; updating the process status in centralized location; generated reports can also be exporting to the applications like MS-Excel, PDF format, etc. In this new system, the members like Donors can give their valuable feedback to the Volunteers so that the Volunteers can check their progress of the tasks.
The entire process categorized as different modules like Admin module, Volunteer module, etc. at where we can classify the functionality as an individual process.
- Using the new system entering into Admin module we can perform….
- In this new system using the Volunteer module we can do….
- In the Reports module we can generate reports like Weekly Status Report
- This project is developed using ASP.NET
BTMV is a charity group of professionals those want to voluntarily contribute in their village/town’s development. Issues like Primary education, people’s health, government policies awareness and availability of basic.
Through the website group want to help their members collaborate, to plan, assess and implement different activities and learn with others experience/feedbacks/ suggestions. Group also wants to encourage others to join their initiatives and recognize their contributions.
Modules of Online Charity Club
- Web Administration:
Administrator is a super user treated as owner of this site. He can have all the privileges. Administrator can register members directly, and delete the information of a registered member.
He verifies the information uploads into the system by the members or voluntaries. If any mismanagement done by the member immediately he can delete the information uploaded earlier by the member.
Basic and advance admin facilities add, update members, backup, recovery of data, generating various reports etc. The system provides an interface to the admin to change static web contents. He can track the member activities and progress.
- Group Member: User is nothing but a registered member. Through the website group want to help their members collaborate, to plan, assess and implement different activities and learn with others experience/feedback/suggestions.
With the help of online questionnaires, members need to access the mature ness of primary education, health facilities etc. and based on the assessment need to categorize and chalk out a plan of actions by choosing from system suggested activities.
Group members arrange online information and face to face meetings with everyone to motivate them to contribute in this system. Members advised to develop a volunteers group in the village so that they can monitor, stabilize the change and reports to the members group.
Members need to provide facilitating like communications discussion forum, chat, mail etc. to the users of this system.
- Anonymous Users
Anonymous users means a normal visitor of this system simply called as guest. By visiting this site he can get the information about this system, and also he can post his suggestions, queries, and doubts to the member group after that member need to reply sufficient response to those queries. If an anonymous users want to become a register person means he needs to fill the registration form and became a member.
- Member Communications
The member group need to collaborate, to plan, assess and implement different activities and learn with others experience, feedbacks, and suggestions. Here the facilitating communication means, the system provides discussion forum, chat, mail etc.
To find the assessment of current situation the system provides online questionnaires, members need to access the mature ness of primary education, health facilities etc.
Each plan of action would be shared with other members before execution so that they can share their experiences, feedback and suggestions.
- Registration
The system has a process of registration. Every member need to submit his complete details in the form of registration. Whenever a user registration completed automatically user can get a user id and password. By using that user id and password member can log into the system. - Search
Different kind of search available to users as well as administrator. A user can search other users for sharing the opinions. Administrator can search the information which is uploaded into the system by any member.
- Reports
Different kind of reports is generated by the system.
- State, Area wise list of adopted villages and their timely progress report
- Activities list and plan of action
- Magazine Subscription statistics
- Member list and their activities
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