Alva’s College – BCA Project Report Format

Alva’s College BCA project report format includes project synopsis format, SRS format, device design format, comprehensive design layout, and full final report. The project reports should be like conference papers: concise and focusing on what you did. Format: Use 1 inch margins (left and right), 1 inch margins (top and bottom), 11 point Times font for the main text, and use 10 point Courier font for computer code. Use your judgement for other situations (for example indented, italics, and 10 point courier font for quotations). Single space your text. Make the text fully-justified (where the letters are aligned on both the left and right). The text should be in 2-columns, with 3/8 of an inch of space between columns. Your paper should be 4 pages long. Having only 3 pages is fine, as long as the content is good. Anything 6 pages or longer will not be graded. If you want to use LaTeX, here are two examples with the formatting already done. You can just remove the text that you do not need. You will also need either the IEEE.

Important Notes for Project Work Sixth Semester BCA:

  1. Students are requested to furnish their name, project title, company name, complete postal address, phone number and email id in the register available with the department before leaving for the project work and collect the guidelines CD.
  2. Dept of CS reserves right to accept or reject a project based on students performance and relevance of the topic chosen.
  3. Students are requested to be in touch with the HOD / internal guide and keep informing about the progress of the project work periodically.
  4. Students are requested to present before the internal guide/ HoD when they are asked to do so. In case of failure or lack of response from students will summarily lead to the rejection of the project work for the current academic year.
  5. Students are requested to pay the university examination fee for the sixth semester BCA in time.

Total marks for Internal Assessment: 160

Total marks for Final Examination: 640

1.Project ProposalSynopsis
2.Problem AnalysisSRS Document
3.System DesignSystem Design Document (Functional Modules Described), structured charts, DFD
4.Project PresentationBoth the above for 40 + 40 Marks
5.Database designSchema Description, ER Model.
6.Detailed DesignModule Logic in Structured English,
7.Internal AssessmentBoth the above for 40+ 40 Marks
8.Coding and Unit TestingProgram Code Listing, Testing documents
9.Integration and TestingUser Manual, Source code
 10.ReadinessProject Documentation (Should include chapters – SRS, System Design, Schema Description, Module Design, User Manual) Project Report, PPT and Source code in CD media.

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