Installation process of Online Insurance Project in Cpanel

Installation process of Online Insurance Project in Cpanel

In this video I am going to explain the installation process of Online Insurance Project in Cpanel. The Online Insurance project which we developed using PHP and MySQL. Here I have Logged in Cpanel Control panel in the browser and I have already downloaded and extracted Online Insurance project with database. In the following video I am explaining to install this project in Cpanel Control Panel.

Installation process of Online Insurance Project in Cpanel Video Demo:

Video Transcription:

You can upload in main directory. But in my main directory I put some other files. So I am creating sub domain for this. Now I am creating sub domain. To create sub domain click on domains icon.

Then click on a button called “Create A New Domain”. Main domain name is Now enter the subdomain name. Here I have typed Click submit button after adding subdomain name. Now it shows the subdomain which you created in the Domains list. Now click on the sub domain link, it will redirect to sub domain directory.

To check the subdomain working or not just i will open the preview in the browser. It is showing subdomain here.We didn’t uploaded any files so we can view only default cgi-bin directory.

Now I will upload the source code and database to the server using Cpanel Control Panel.

To upload the source code open the file directory of sub domain.
Click on Upload button,
Then click on Select file.
Source Code.Zip is the file which has source code.

Now the file is uploading. Don’t close the browser untill it finish 100% with Green loader.

Yes Now the file is uploaded. Its size is 52.67 MB.

Now we need to extract the file whichever we uploaded in cpanel.
Click on extract button here.

Now the file extracted. The file whichever extracted it stores in seperate directory. Just move it to main directory.

Now the project files are in main directory. Lets check the preview of the website. In the preview it is showing database not connected but the files are uploaded successfully.

Now we need to create the database and its user. after creating database we need to upload tables and sample content which is there in database backup folder.

Now I am going to create database.
to create database in Cpanel click on MySQL Database Wizard.
Type the Database name.
Then type username and password. I am generating password using password generator.
Then in Privilages I will set all the privilages.

Now the database created with user detail.

Now you need to connect database with Source code. In Source code open dbconnection.php file. in dbconnection.php i will put password and username and database name. Click save button.

Now one last step is we need to import the database. To import the database click on cpanel then click on phpmyadmin.

Here it is showing the database name which I have created.
Open the database and click on import and click choose. Then click on Database backup folder. It is having database backup.

Select the database backup file then click import.

NOw the database imported.

Open the project window and refresh the browser. Now the system has connected to the database.

To confirm I will login to the admin panel.

Here admin login Id is admin and password is adminadminadmin which is encrypted here. I will enter those credentials.

Now I can login to the system.

That means the Installation is successfully.

This is steps you need to follow to install the Insurance project in Cpanel.

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