Library management system project report

Library management system project report

Library management system project report – The main objective of the Library Management system project is discipline of the planning, organizing and managing the library tasks. Our project aims at making the task of library easy. Library Management is entering the records of new book and retrieving the details of book available in the library. We can issue book to the library member and maintain their records and can also checks how many book are issued and stock available in the library. In the project we can maintain the late fine of library member who return the issued book after the due date. This Library management system project in JAVA and MS SQL server.

Library management system project report

Library management system project report

Project title:

Library management system / Library management system project in JAVA

Project category :


Language and software tool used :

  • Front End : Java
  • Operating System : Window 7
  • Back End : Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Structure of the project:

Proposed System:

In the proposed system, we assume that each member will be having a identity card which can be used for the library book issue, fine payment etc. whenever library member wish to take a book, the book issued by the library authority will be check both the book details as well as the student details and store it in library database. In case of retrieval of book much of human intervention can be eliminated.

Module Description:

         1. User Module:

In this module student can check availability of the book…

The following are the sub module in the user module.

  • Book return: Here student will return the books  to the library…

2. Administrator Module:

This is the main module in the proposed project. The administrator can read and write information about any member. The administrator can also update, create and delete the record of membership as per requirement and implementation plans.

The following are the sub module in the administrator module.

  • Register student: Allow the administrator to register new student and update the student records.
  • Book details: Allow administrator to entered book details.
  • Book issue: Here administrator issues the books to the student from library.

Future scope of the project:

We can consider much future scope to this application. The following are some of there.

  • Online use of the library can be good feature for the Library Management system.
  • Advanced fine payment system can be added.
  • Inventory system can be used to maintain the books of the library.

Hardware requirement :

  • Operating system: Window 7
  • Hard disks: 40GB
  • RAM: 256 MB

Software requirement :

  • Java language
  • Net beans IDE 7.0.1
  • MS SQL server 2005

Library management system project report of PHP – Mysql

Cry Moon

Dear Sir.
Can you send the whole project to me?
Because i needed it for my study…
My Email: [email protected]
I wish you can help me.
thanks you for sent!


Can anyone Share source code of this project ?
my email id: [email protected]
Thanks in advance.


and how can i use foreign key in my project since i have made different tables and in each table their is customerid and in front end i am giving the reference of dat table then where i needed the foreign key reference….plzzz explain its use..


sir i hav made a project on mjava net beans and using my sql at back my ques is that i hav made database for that hotel management and used it.then in the program files i hav copied all the database files of mysql and kept it secure in another drive becoz i wanted to format my system.but when i again install mysql on my system and again copied that database files …all files shows same property of 9kb in size although mysql access the table but it not showing its structure as well as its data….what should i hav to do..




i dsn”t understand anything how to run it? please explain it.

rohit garg

yaar project chaiye kaise bhi


I’ve just started off a blog, the knowledge you give on this site has
aided me extremely. Thank you for all your time & work.


chutiyagiri bhenchod…chutiya mat banao


can i get this project?


how can I get the source code of this project?

plz inform to mail id..


bekuf banate o tum bas……


anyone having the leave management system in java with database for employees kindly mail me. [email protected]


sir plzz send me the source code………! can iget this project……….? plz mail me to [email protected]


where is the code pls. my email is [email protected]


how can i get source code and to install and use it please send in my email id


how can i get project source code????? plz reply to my id…

sonu patel

hoe can i use this project?????


ur website is faaaaaaaake u not know about java …..where is code my dear….


where r code for it and how to run it


How can i take this Project ??

manohar lal chadar

online banking


sir plz tell me how to dwnload this project source code

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