The main purpose of this Online Library Management System project is to automate all possible functionalities of the College library. This project used to manage the books catalog of a library. This helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the books available in the library. It helps student, staff and Librarian. Students can request books through online and Librarian can manage Book Issues, Returns, Student Report, Penalty/Late fee Report, etc. The system automatically check available books and unavailable books, Number of books borrowed by students and Books limit, penalty calculation, etc.
Video Demonstration:
Kindly watch this video, you will understand everything about project.
The main scope of Online Library Management System are:
- The system is convenient and flexible to be used. It saves their time, efforts, money and resources.
- User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system Rich User Interface.
- The user information files can be stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system.
- This web application is for automation of library. It also involves maintaining the database of entering new books and the record of books that have been retrieved or issued, with their respective dates.
- Can provide membership to members.
- Can read and write information about any Member.
- Can update, create, and delete the record of Membership as per requirement.
- Magazine Subscription management facility.
- Powerful Search Facility for Book and Member Search based on various Search Criteria.
- Quick Report View like Book Issues/Returned etc.
- College Configuration Maintenance.
- Book Stock verification facility
- Members Fine Calculating facility.
User interface:
- Administrator: Administrator is a super user treated as owner of this site. He can have all the privileges. Administration can add staff or Librarian details.
- Librarian: Librarian can add or manage book stock details. Issuing books and returning books will be done by agents.
- Staff: Staffs are lecturers or employees of the college. Even staff can request for books through online.
- Student: Students can register through online by entering name, email id, Registration number and password. College staff will verify students account. After the verification students can request or issue books.
Softwares used:
Modules of Online Library Management System
- Student Account module: This module stores student registration details by entering name, roll number, password, contact number, email id, etc. For security purpose student account will be manually verified. Student account will be verified by admin or staff. After the registration student can login to the website by entering login credentials. If student enters valid login credentials then the page redirects to student account page where he can view issued book and returned book details.
- Books entry module: This feature is for librarian to add new books to the library. Librarian needs to enter book category, title, Book front page, author, the price of book and number of pages it contains. Librarian can enter and maintain the number of copies of each individual book. Also, the system must allocate unique book code to individual books carefully.
- Librarian Account module: ThisIncludes all the library staff who are required to enter the records in the system and keep an eye on the various activities like the issue of the book, the return of the book, non-availability of books etc.
- Penalty module: This will store penalty report. If the student takes time to return book then the penalty will calculate for each and every day. The user needs to pay penalty to the librarian. After making penalty payment the system will generate receipt.
- Report module: As the name suggest, this module helps only for generating various useful reports.
- Settings module: In this module librarian can set and configure number of days to keep the book and fine for delay return.
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Nizar Mohamed
Have you done any updates on this system than what you showed in the youtube video? Because it has some shortcomings. like students book views doesn’t have pagination and search option. Also there is no option to issue book unless there is a request from a user.