Online Movie Portal project which helps customers to pre-book the movie tickets through online. This is Online Movie Ticket booking website portal which will display the information about the movies on the theatre. The user can easily be able to know the movies show timings and book the show accordingly. This project manages all the details of seats, booking, customer, payment, shows, etc.
Features of Online Movie Portal:
- This project is to provide the facility to customers to book tickets through online anytime, anywhere.
- This web application is very useful for all these multiplex theatres.
- This provides searching facilities based on various factors such as movie, seat type, location, etc
- This website provides anytime anyplace service to the customer. Also this will promote the film on the internet and it increases profit.
- Customers can process online payments, manage bookings, etc. This tracks all the details of customer, booking and payment.
- This system has additional feature that customer can order snacks, cool drinks, food items trough online.
- Customer can post feedback and reviews through online. The rating option also available for the customers.
- It sends booking ticket receipt via mail or SMS. Even customer can download the ticket in PDF format after the login.
Software Interfaces
- Programming script: PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor, JavaScript, Ajax
- Scripting server: Apache server
- Data Base server: MySQL
- IDE: Adobe Dreamweaver CS 6.0 / Notepad++
- Front End: PHP
- Back End: MySQL Server
Modules of Online Movie Portal
- Customer account module: In the customer account module customer can register to the website and they can view ticket booking details after the login. Customer needs to enter Customer name, Email ID, contact number, password to register account. Existing customers can login to the website by entering their login credentials.
Sub modules are:- Registration module
- Login module
- Profile module
- View booking details
- View food order details
- Trailer module: In the trailer module this will display all movie information with trailer video, title, description, etc. Customer can view trailer and movie information before booking the ticket. Administrator or Staff has authority to add trailer information.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add trailer
- View trailer
- Theatre module: This module displays multiple theatre information with multiplex theatre and others. Admin can add or modify theatre records.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add theatre
- View theatre
- Shows list: This will show the movie show timings, schedule for showing different movies in different screens and time, etc. Customer can view the timings before booking ticket. Administrator can add showlist by entering date, time, theatre name, etc.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add show list
- View show list
- Seat management module: Show price depends on seat type.Admin can create a seat map for each cinema theatre and set different seat types and prices. Customer can view seat map and available seats before booking ticket.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add seat type
- View seat type
- Add seat map
- View seat map
- Ticket booking module: In the ticket booking module customer can book the tickets through online. After the booking the customer will get notification via mail or SMS. Even the customer can download ticket booking receipt in a PDF format. Booking date, time, movie name, seat numbers, cost, etc will be mentioned in the ticket.
Sub modules of this module are:- Seat selection module
- Booking module
- View booking module
- Food item order module: In this module customer can order food items which is available in theĀ movie theatre. The customer can order food any time before the movie or during movie.
- Food order module
- View orders
- Ticket cancellation module: The customer can cancel the booked tickets before the movie. The half of the amount will be refunded to customers account.
Sub modules of this module are:- Ticket cancellation
- View cancellation report
- Movie reviews: The customer can post feedbacks after or before the movie. The feedback contains ratings option. Top rating movies list will appear in the top of the list.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add movie reviews and feedback
- View movie reviews and feedback
- Add ratings
- View ratings
- Offer and Discount module: The administrator can add offers and discounts for the shows by creating promo code. Customer can redeem promo code by entering promo code number.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add promo code
- View promo code
- Redeem promo code
- Dashboard module: Admin and staff can access dashboard module. Admin is the main user of the system. Admin or staff can add movie shows list, cost for shows, Trailer videos, etc.
Sub modules of this module are:- Dashboard module
- Settings module
- Add location
- View location
- Food item module: This module helps administrator to add food items with item name, image and cost.
Sub modules of this module are:- Add item type
- View item type
- Add food item
- View food item
- Report module: The administrator or staff can view all kinds of booking report, customer report, payment report, etc.
Sub modules of this module are:- Booking report
- Food item order report
- Payment report
- Cancellation report
- View registered customers
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