E-Library Management System

Online Library Management System

E-Library Management System will deal in all the requirements needed for managing libraries. It will deal with the process of maintaining data about the books and many other things as well as transactions, which are taking place in the library with respect to the issue, return and renewal of the books. It helps the administrator to accomplish his tasks at ease. It lets the users sign-up to the library initially and then sign-in every time they want to find some item in the library. The user can also maintain and edit his profile details. A user can sign-in and search for items, borrow items if they are present in the library. All details of the users and library information are stored in the database. The user need not visit the library every time to find an item; instead, he/she can search items from his/her own PC/laptop.

Software specifications:

  • Technology Implemented : Apache Server
  • Language Used : PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) 5.3
  • Database : MySQL Database 5.5
  • User Interface Design : HTML, AJAX
  • Web Browser : Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8
  • Software : XAMPP

Hardware requirements:

  • Operating System : Windows XP/Windows 7 or above
  • 40 GB hard disk and above
  • 1 GB RAM and above
  • Peripheral devices

Module Description of E-Library Management System:

  • Books: This module consist the details of the books available in library and their categories. It also contains the list of books in each category and their details.
  • Manage Books: In this module you can check which book is available and issued.
  • Student Account: To issue a book from the library, one should have an account in the library. The registration contains all the details about the student like registration number, name, address, contact number etc.
  • Book Request: This module is used by the student to request a book from the library. The search can be performed by using name of the book, author name, and subject name.
  • Issue of books: This module is used by the librarian to issue a book based on the request made by the student.
  • Renewal of books: This module is used by the admin to renew the book. If the book is already reserved for others then that book should not be renewed
  • Returning Books: In this module the librarian maintains the details of the books returned by the student, which also includes the fine details, damage book details, lost book details.
  • Reports: This module includes the details about the issued books, returned books, student reports, fine reports, or details of the book which are not returned.

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