Human Resource Management System in VB.NET

Human Resource Management System in VB.NET

A human resource management system (HRMS) is a software application that is used to manage and organize a company’s human resources data and processes. Human Resource Management System in VB.NET would be a system that has been developed using the Visual Basic .NET programming language. Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) shape an intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology. In this software we can add employee details according to the departments of the company. We can also add and delete department as well. We can also count the salary and generate salary slip of our employees.

The functions of an HRMS may include:

  • Tracking employee information, such as personal details, job titles, salary, and benefits
  • Managing employee attendance and leave
  • Tracking employee performance and development
  • Recruiting and onboarding new employees
  • Managing employee benefits and payroll

Software Requirement Specification

  • Windows 98/XP
  • Front end tool –VB.NET
  • Back  end tool  – M.S Access (MDB)

Hardware Requirements:

  • PC with Dual core Configuration
  • Key Board and Mouse


  • Employees Salary details.
  • Provides resume matching details to the employees
  • Supports more multiple Recruitment and process
  • Supports for multiple user
  • Stores more than one company records
  • Accurate result and recruit

Brief Description

Every organization has numerous types of resources like office equipments, finances raw materials, etc. Human resource is one of these resources. It is the most vital among all the resources of an organization. So HR functions are common to all type of organization these HR function may include recruitment, time management, management of payroll and many more. In the Scenario of handling thousands of employees, their recruitment procedure, their time scheduling and their salary slip generation according to their package and their working days may become difficult to handle manually.

About Human Resource Management System in VB.NET

  • Main Screen and login Screen
  • Subject Name Entry Screen
  • Resume Entry Screen
  • Education Entry Screen
  • Experience Details entry screen
  • Job opening Entry form
  • Resume Matching Form
  • Interview Letter Form
  • Interview marks entry form
  • Employee Recruiting
  • Employee Training Selection
  • Employee Payment

Key Features:

  • Maintain all Accounts automatically.
  • Allow adding / updating staff
  • Handle multiple companies with multiple financial years.
  • Automatic updating data.

Security Features:

  • Password facility to ensure validity of user
  • Intelligent validation for each entry.
  • User defined data access.
  • Data secrecy


The reports, generated by payroll Employee management system, can be printed on any printer like Dot matrix, inkjet and Laser etc.

The specific features and functions of an HRMS in VB.NET will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the organization. Some HRMS systems may be more comprehensive and include additional features such as time and attendance tracking, skills and training management, or succession planning.


Please send me the Project Documentation, PPT and Data dictionery


Please send me the project documentation, PPT and Data dictionery


Can you please send synopsis of hr mba for ignou.


please…urgent basis


i need more description plz

Deanmark Tusi

what kind of language is using VB.NET ?

beesa ramesh

plz send the related informaton to me

beesa ramesh

plz send me the project domentation detaila and source code of my project of HR operations manager


am working on establishing a college in a small town. would you please send me sample proposal through the given email.

onesmus muguna

am working on HR payments system in php language.would you send me a sample through the email given


i want employee managent system or hr software

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