Student Project Acknowledgement letter

Acknowledgement letter for student project

Student Project Acknowledgement letter is designed to people who were the most helpful in helping you do the project. It does not usually contain opinions, and it’s not usually a place to thank people for general “love and support” type of assistance.

It’s usually specific–naming the person and the type of help you received. For example, an advisor who helped you conceptualize the project, someone who helped with the actual building or procedures used to complete the project, someone who helped with computer knowledge, someone who provided raw materials or requirements of the project, etc.


The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my project work. Whatever I have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.

I respect and thank Mr. Sathya Shankar Marakkini, for giving me an opportunity to do the project work in Rishi Systems and providing us all support and guidance which made me complete the project on time . I am extremely grateful to him for providing such a nice support and guidance though he had busy schedule managing the company affairs.

I owe my profound gratitude to our project guide Roopali Shetty, who took keen interest on our project work and guided us all along, till the completion of our project work by providing all the necessary information for developing a good system.

I would not forget to remember Ms.Chaitra and Santosh Pandey, of Rishi Systems for their unlisted encouragement and more over for their timely support and guidance till the completion of our project work.

I heartily thank our internal project guide, Mr.Sunil , Dean , Department of Computer Science, for his guidance and suggestions during this project work.

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all Teaching staffs of Department of computer science which helped us in successfully completing our project work. Also, I would like to extend our sincere regards to all the non-teaching staff of department of computer science for their timely support.

Mr. Rashmitha N

Download Link for sample Acknowledgement Letter:

Kwaku Djamson

Wow wow wow, very helpful

aniket omre

i dont understand but good…

prakash chouhan

verry good and i hope u become a gud person


can ne1 cud plzz help me out in selecting a topic 4 my 6 months project in PERL programming!!!!

Abdulfattah Zolait

But I do not understand the meaning of Thanksgiving and praise, but I thank continue you me and I hope I understand threads hard
Thank you.
I`m Laboratory Technicien

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