There are many Social Networking Website in the market that are developed for different purposes, for instance, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. In such platforms, people can join, write to each other, create different groups of people. In a typical scenario, you register on a web page and send invitations to your friends to become part of your network or community. Your friends, in turn, invite their friends and so on. Only after joining the network, someone can see your information.
Social Networking Website
Web Development
Web development is a broad term in development of web sites for the Internet or the intranet that includes, web design, web content development, client/server scripting, web server, application server, network security, etc. Web development uses different techniques like PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) and Smarty to create interactive web pages and consists of many areas and some of them are listed below.
• Client Side Programming.
• Server Side Programming.
• Persistence Layer.
• (Security Considerations for all levels).
Such architecture is called a three-tier architecture.
Client Side Programming
Client side programming refers to techniques and programs that can be used in a web application to be viewed by users’ web browsers. These techniques and programs are an important part of an interactive HTML, for instance Javascript and Ajax.
Server Side Programming
Server side programming refers to actions that are performed by a server who is called from client side programs. Client requests are performed by the server because they require access to information from databases that is not available by clients directly. PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor). Hypertext Preprocessor is a server side programming language that is designed to develop dynamic web pages. PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) code is embedded into the HTML documents and interpreted by a web server with a PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) interpreter
Security Considerations
There are many security considerations when designing web applications because it is critical to protect the organizational data by controlling the information into the company databases and out from the databases. For instance, data entry error checking through forms applied by a user, filtering output to protect critical data, and encryption of data. It is important to test web applications before the applications are public released in a production environment. Web servers and databases have to be kept safe for threats outside when transmitting data. Many technologies exist to keep the information on the internet safe when it is transmitted from one location to another, for instance, Secure Socket Layer Encryption (SSL) or Certificates that are issued by certificate authorities to help prevent internet fraud. A weakness in any layer of a web application makes the application vulnerable to attack.
Design Considerations
Designing social network systems are complex and need many researches. One important thing, when designing such systems are to consider that, all functionalities have to be easy to use by users. There are many aspects to think about when designing social networks and some of the most important aspects are listed below.
• Clear information for visitors. When people visit a social network site, they have to know all about the purpose of the site within seconds because most people don’t have time to find out what a site is about, if they can’t see that from the beginning. The site’s title, graphics, logotype and other elements of the site have to be obvious and self-speaker for visitors.
• Clear information for users. That is important to have clear and updated information for users of the site to make the trust between the site and users stronger and make them more interested in the site.
• Users and visitors should be able to do some options. A social network site should give both visitors and the site’s users something professional to do. For example, logging in for users and signing up for visitors. The site should give visitors other options too, for instance, gives them the opportunity to know what the site is about quickly or describes the requirements before they sign up, let them search for people they already know on the site and give them the opportunity to see why they should sign up in the site before they sign up, because it leads to trust between the site and visitors.
• Provide users with interesting information of their friends or groups. It is important that users can see what their friends are doing or what is new within their groups from the moment they log in to the system.
• Make it easy to find friends. The users of a social network site should be able to find friends easily. The site should let users to search by different search options like an email, school, company, name, age and other options.
• Configurable Profile pages by users. A social network system needs security considerations but on the other hand, the site should let users at least do some ability to make their site reflect their personality. For example, through color schema, backgrounds, adding information about themselves, comment on their activities.
• Regular information changing. The characteristic of a social network design is that, the user’s information can change constantly. Updating individual contents are important because this keeps users coming back, because there is always something more and new to do.
• Let users to create own groups. A successful social network lets users to create different groups to organize their friends, such as business contacts, friends, and family. The site should let users to add their contacts to more than one group simultaneously.
• Search functionality. A social network site should let users to find information they are looking for.
Social networking website type:
Our social networking is a multi-lingual social networking site. The multilingual website is awebsite which provides contents of more than one languages.
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