Voice controlled LED display is an IoT based project System. This will control the LED display text using Android app. It’s a cloud system where user can change the LED text from anywhere in the world. Even this system allows user to store the text in cloud storage and user can display that text for later use.
We used Voice recognition technology which is already exist in Android application. Detecting human voice and converting that “Voice to Text” is biggest revolution in Android mobile phones. Now a days Alexa device, Google voice search and other applications using same concept. In our project we came up with a new technology, that is “Voice controlled LED Display”. This system will convert Voice command into to Text and then the signal sent to the LED display.
User needs to install app in their Android mobile phone or tablets. The system which we tested with small LED display but this project you can use with bigger LED for real time projects. Real time LED display you can use in public places, function halls, college notice board, Live events, etc.
Things used for Voice controlled LED Display
- NodeMCU
- P10 LED display
- Voltage converter
- Bread board
- Jumper wires
Methodology of the project:
- Collect the requirements
- Develop an Android APP.
- Design the project circuit board.
- Check whether circuit board responding with android app or not.
- Coding for LED board and integration steps.
- Establishing connection with LED and Android app
- Project Finalization and delivering project.
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