Test case document for an alumni management system

A test case document for an alumni management system is a comprehensive document that outlines all the test cases needed to ensure the system functions as intended. It includes detailed descriptions of individual test scenarios, test steps, expected outcomes, and actual outcomes. The document ensures traceability by mapping test cases to system requirements, helping validate that all functionalities meet user expectations. This serves as a critical resource during the testing phase, promoting consistency, efficiency, and quality assurance.

Test case document for an alumni management system:

  • Alumni registration:
Serial No.Condition to be testedTest DataExpected outputRemarks
1.If alumni name is not entered.Full NamePlease enter your name.SUCCESSFUL
2.If alumni name contains other than characters.Full NameEnter only alphabets.SUCCESSFUL
3.If address is not entered.AddressPlease enter your address.SUCCESSFUL
4.If mobile number is not entered.Mobile NumberPlease enter your mobile number.SUCCESSFUL
5.If mobile number is not equal to 10 digits.Mobile NumberKindly enter 10 digit mobile numbers.SUCCESSFUL
6.If mobile number contains other than numeric values.Mobile NumberEnter only numeric values.SUCCESSFUL
7.If mobile number does not begin with 7, 8 or 9.Mobile NumberMobile number should begin with 7 or 8 or 9.SUCCESSFUL
8.If Email ID is not entered.Email ID  Please enter Email ID.SUCCESSFUL
9.If Email ID is invalid.Email ID  Please include an ‘@’ in the email address. Email ID is missing an ‘@’.SUCCESSFUL
10.If password is not entered.PasswordPlease enter the password.SUCCESSFUL
11.If password is less than 6 characters.PasswordPassword should be atleast 6 characters.SUCCESSFUL
12.If confirm password is not entered.Confirm PasswordPlease confirm your password.SUCCESSFUL
13.If password and confirm password does not match.Password and Confirm PasswordPassword and confirm password are not matching.SUCCESSFUL
14.If all fields are entered.All mandatory fields.   You have registered successfully. Kindly verify your Email ID to Activate account.SUCCESSFUL
  • Alumni login:
Serial No.Condition to be testedTest DataExpected outputRemarks
1.If Email ID is not entered.Email ID  Please enter your email ID.SUCCESSFUL
2.If password is not entered.Password  Please enter your password.SUCCESSFUL
3.If Email ID is invalid.Email ID  Please include an ‘@’ in the email address. Email ID is missing an ‘@’.SUCCESSFUL
4.If Email ID and password are not valid.Email ID and PasswordInvalid login credentials.SUCCESSFUL
  • Raise Fund:
Serial No.Condition to be testedTest DataExpected outputRemarks
1.If amount is not entered.amountPlease enter amount.SUCCESSFUL
2.If remarks is not entered.remarksPlease enter remarksSUCCESSFUL
3.If pay type is not selected.pay typePlease select pay type.SUCCESSFUL
4.If bank name is not entered.bank namePlease enter bank name.SUCCESSFUL
5.If card number is not entered.card numberPlease enter card number.SUCCESSFUL
6.If cvv number is not entered.Cvv numberPlease enter cvv number.SUCCESSFUL
7.If Card Expire Month is not selected.Card Expire MonthPlease select Card Expire Month.SUCCESSFUL
8.If year is not selected.yearPlease select year.SUCCESSFUL
  • Staff login:
Serial No.Condition to be testedTest DataExpected outputRemarks
1.If login ID is not entered.Login IDPlease enter your login ID.SUCCESSFUL
2.If password is not entered.PasswordPlease enter the password.SUCCESSFUL
3.If login ID and password are not valid.PasswordInvalid login credentials.SUCCESSFUL

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