This Online Driving School is Driving school management project which helps the vehicle driving-schools to automate the manual tasks of maintaining customers and employee transaction. Customers or Learners can access the website by registering through online. Customers can view nearest driving class centers, available timing slots and Driving class fee packages, driving license fee packages, etc. Customer can apply for driving school and driving license through online. Customers are students they can book their time driving school slots according to their wish. The system which calculates the total fees and students can then make payment through online via credit card or debit card. The system generates receipt after making system. System also keeps a track of the customer’s session and timings. For driving license customer can attend exams through online.
The project Online Driving School designed which has admin login from where the admin can administer the system through Admin-dashboard. The project deals with driving school features and driving license features. This has modules like Driving school Registration, vehicle selection, time schedule, employee or trainer record, daily attendance, Driving license application, Payment process, etc. The system also has employee login provided by the admin. Employees can view his assigned customer for training and the scheduled sessions.
Online Driving School website project is crafted just to solve that problem. Proposed online system which helps the customers to apply for the driving license with a help of this application and also it helps them to know about traffic rules and latest information related to driving. This project helps to register customer for Driving School & apply for Driving License. To know about the exact status of Driving License. Renewal of the Driving License is also available in this project.

Following tools used to develop the project:
- Software used: XAMPP
- Server : Apache server
- Language used : PHP
- Database : MYSQL server
- User interface design : HTML, AJAX, JavaScript
- Web browser : Mozilla, Google chrome, Internet explorer
- IDE : Notepad++
Modules of Online Driving School
- Login module: There are three types of users in this project, i.e.; admin, employees and customer. This module gives them option to login by entering login ID and password. After the login it links to main account page.
- Dashboard module: This module is for administrator. Administrator is the ultimate controller of the website with the highest authority. The system designed with admin login where the admin can administers the system through admin’s dashboard.
- Attendance module: In the attendance module admin can submit their customer’s attendance records.
- Salary module: The salary module calculates Basic Salary. Customer’s performance salary, deduction, bonus and it generates salary receipt. Employees can view salary report and administrator add generate new salary report.
- Employee Panel: This module is for employees which is provided by the admin. Employees can view his assigned customers for training and the next session. Employees can set time schedules in this module.
- Customer Account panel: Customer needs to register to apply for driving school and driving class. Existing customers can login to the website after the registration. Customers can select the vehicle types for training, timing slot, fee packages, and guide details. Even the customer can send request for driving license.
- Billing module: The system generates invoice amount after sending driving class and driving license request. The system calculates the Total amount, Paid amount and Balance amount automatically. The receipt is delivered to the customer’s email by the system. In the billing account panel it displays paid amount and pending amount.
- Examination module: In this module customer can attend exam after the driving course. Can be calculated in this examination module. The admin can upload questions with options and correct answer.
- Settings module: Only the admin can access this feature. In this module admin can update branch details, driving class and driving license package details, vehicle details and others.
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