The main aim of developing this JAVA based Hospital Management System project is to provide better hospital management services to both the doctors as well as patients. This Java based Hospital Management System will store all patients record and doctors details and it view patients bill. It can be used in any Hospital, Clinic, Polyclinic or Pathology labs for maintaining patient details and their test results. This article contains Hospital Management System source code in java, database files and documentation.

Technologies to be used
This project is developed in JAVA having MsAccess database as backend.
- Database Design (Ms Access)
- Form Design (JAVA Programming)
- Coding (JAVA Programming)
- Testing (JAVA Programming)
About JAVA
- Java is an object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991.
- Java has become the widely used programming language for the internet.
Java can be used to develop many types of applications:
- Standalone Applications
- Applets
- Web Applications
- Distributed Applications
Running a JAVA based Hospital Management System
When a program is compiled( e.g. C or C++ program), it is directly translated into machine code that is specific to a platform/processor.
But running a java program is a two step process. In java translation from source code to the executable code is achieved using two translators:
Java Compiler: A java program is first compiled by the java compiler into bytecodes. Bytecode resemble to the machine code but it is not specific to any platform i.e. it can not be executed on a computer without further translation.
Java Interpreter: Java interpreter executes the bytecodes after interpreting and converting into machine code. One point to be noted here is that java program runs slower than C/C++ programs as in java program two types of translation takes place.
In order to write and run the java program we need an editor, Java Compiler and a Java Runtime Environment.
The editor can be text editor like Notepad, WordPad etc.
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provide Event Management System in java(jsp,servlets)