Online Course Portal System

Online Course Portal System is software developed for student in schools, colleges and institutes to access online course material. The project aims at creating a courses portal for a campus/organization. This allows registered users of the system to join a course available in the site and access the materials published for the course. People can register themselves as students of a course or Faculty for the course. It facilitates to access the information of a particular course. The information is provided by the teacher for a particular course. The purpose of developing software is to computerized the tradition way of taking class.


Features of online course portal system project are as follows

  • This system maintains user’s personal, address, and contact details.
  • This system provides separate courses for faculty and student.
  • User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system rich user interface.
  • This system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
  • Various classes have been used for maintain the details of all the users   and catalog.
  • Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can access.
  •  The system provides facilities to track the all activities of faculties and students.
  • System also tracks the feedbacks online.
  • System provides facility to prepare online question paper, and has facility for online exam also.
  • System also provides facility to upload and view material and material information.      
  • This system is providing more memory for the users to maintain data.

Programming Language

  • Front end :
  • Back end : Oracle database

Modules of Online Course Portal System

  • Registration module: In the registration from the user has to register the bio-data and a unique code is given to each user. Once the user has registered, they can participate in online courses. During registration user details will be validated, if a user already exists, system will notify the user. New user can register in order to use the full features of software. Normal users can also access than the proposed system but with limited features. Only the registered users get more priorities than the unregistered, guest user. Once the guest user register to the software, they can also get full access to the software.
  • Login module: Through the login module, registered users can login. It is used for authenticating the users. After logging in, user can go for course based on their desired choice. When the user clicks login button, system will check for the entered values. If both values matches, user should be able to login, else system should generate invalid user message. This condition is being tested in login module.
  • Admin module:This module consists of the following sub modules:
  1. Registration Module: Here admin can register new faculty, student, instructor and store their details in database.
  2. Users Management Module: Here admin can access any user related information. User can be a faculty, student or an instructor.
  3. Course Management Module: In this module admin can register a new course, can update a course and delete a course also.
  4. Student/staff module: In this module students or staffs can appear online exam, can view their marks, cam download course material.
  • Instructor module: In this module instructor can upload course material, can announce notices, can set online exam question paper, can schedule new exam, can view marks scored by students, can also view queries sent by the student and reply them.
  • Reports module: Reports play an important role to display the performance about the user in the categories. The report will display the final result in the online course exam. Candidate can view the previous reports as well. It is used to monitor the performance of the candidate.

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