Institute Management Software Application, is very customized and user-friendly software for Institutes. It has been designed to automate, manage and look after the over-all processing of even small to large Institutes. Institute Management System Project consists of two main modules i.e. Master, Transaction Modules and MIS Report generation system. 

Institute Management Software Application

Title: Institute Management Software Application

MIS Report Generation System

A Report Generation system will be developed for the user and management of eInstitute Management System. This MIS system will have both details and summary type reports for analysis the daily transaction, trend,

The MIS Report Generation System will include the following features:

  • Transaction summary report, it has the selection criteria for the date range.
  • Muster Report: Generate attendance report for the date range.
  • Student Register: Generate student register with all personal information.
  • Student Detail Report: Will provide information on all spheres related to the student, be it batches, certificate, instalments, discounts, scholarships, break, material and book issue. It is a one-stop option for all the details. It includes Batch Wise Students between two dates, Course Wise Student Details, Instalment Details, Student Discounts, Student on Break, Book Issue for, Material Issued To Student, Registered Students, Student Payment Ledger, Test Report Student Wise.
  • Examination Report: A report that gives the detail of the examination conducted according to code. This would show the names of the student, their course and other relevant details
  • Enquiry Report : A detailed report of enquiry status like Action Between Two Dates, Student Admitted, Counsellor Details, Consolidated: Combined report of enquiry handling and conversions by all counsellors, According to Counsellor: status of enquiry handling of each counsellor between two dates
  • Course Details: This would provide the detail as to how many people enquired for various courses. This would give first hand information as to which course is the most “sought after” in a particular month
  • Collection: details of total collection like Fees Collected Between Two Dates, Fine Collected Between Two Dates, Fine Collected Registration Number Wise
  • Payment Reminders: for sending reminders to defaulters or late payers or intimating those with forthcoming installments
  • Export Report : All reports can be exported in different format includes Text File, CSV File, MS Excel, MS Word File.

Print Report: All report can be printed from any type of printer. Receipt of fees can be printed in pre printed stationary.

Technology Used
SQL Server
Crystal Report

5 thoughts on “Institute Management Software Application”
  1. wanna need all the feedback related to this project . would you send me a link by which i can download it. Thank you

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