Database tables for School Management System describes the different types of tables that are typically included in a database for a school management system. These tables are used to store and organize information related to the school’s students, teachers, classes, and other aspects of school management.
The first table mentioned is the “Students” table, which contains information about each student, such as their name, ID number, address, contact information, and enrollment status.
The “Teachers” table contains information about the school’s teachers, including their name, ID number, subject(s) taught, and contact information. The “Classes” table contains information about the classes offered at the school, including the class name, ID number, teacher assigned, and list of students enrolled in the class.
The “Enrollments” table keeps track of which classes each student is enrolled in and links the class ID and student ID. The “Users” table is to track the system’s users, including their login credentials and user type, such as administrator, teacher, student.
The “Attendance” table keeps track of student attendance, including the date, class, and students who were present or absent. The “Grades” table contains information about student grades, including the class, assignment, and grade received.
The “Billing” table contains information about student billing and payments, including the student ID, billing amount, and payment history. The “Events” table contains information about school events, such as the name, date, location, and attendees. Finally, the “Resources” table contains information about school resources, such as name, location, and availability.
Database tables for School Management System StudentĀ Registration :
Table No: 1 Table Name STDRegistration Attribute name Data type Constraint Sample value AdmissionNo Int Primary key 1 FullName varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k Gender varchar(50) Not-null male DOB varchar(30) Not-null 17/01/1990 Class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd Password varchar(50) Not-null siddu PermanentAdd varchar(50) Not-null H-no:1-8-547, balasamudram, hanamkonda warangal-506001 CorrespondenceAdd varchar(50) Not-null H-no:1-8-547, balasamudram, hanamkonda warangal-506001 TelNos varchar(50) Not-null 0870-2569514 Fname varchar(50) Not-null k.prabhakar Qualification varchar(50) Not-null degree Occupation varchar(50) Not-null Bank manager Mbnum Numeric(18) Not-null 9441085465 Address varchar(50) Not-null H-no:1-8-547, balasamudram, hanamkonda warangal-506001 Emailid varchar(50) Not-null [email protected]
Attribute name Data type Constraint Sample value AdmissionNo Int Primary key 1 FullName varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k Gender varchar(50) Not-null male DOB varchar(30) Not-null 17/01/1990 Class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd Password varchar(50) Not-null siddu
Attribute name Data type Constraint Sample value AdmissionNo Int Primary key 1 PermanentAdd varchar(50) Not-null H-no:1-8-547, balasamudram, hanamkonda warangal-506001 CorrespondenceAdd varchar(50) Not-null H-no:1-8-547, balasamudram, hanamkonda warangal-506001
Attribute name Data type Constraint Sample value AdmissionNo Int Primary key 1 Fname varchar(50) Not-null k.prabhakar Qualification varchar(50) Not-null degree Mbnum Numeric(18) Not-null 9441085465 TelNos varchar(50) Not-null 0870-2569514 Emailid varchar(50) Not-null [email protected]
Table No: 2 Table Name Marks Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values MarksID Int Primary key 1 name varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k admissionno varchar(50) Foreign key 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd rollno Int Not-null 1 testname varchar(50) Not-null unit test-1 english varchar(50) Not-null 46 telugu varchar(50) Not-null 44 hindi varchar(50) Not-null 45 science varchar(50) Not-null 39 maths varchar(50) Not-null 50 social varchar(50) Not-null 44
Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values MarksID Int Primary key 1 name varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k admissionno varchar(50) Foreign key 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd rollno Int Not-null 1 testname varchar(50) Not-null unit test-1
Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values MarksID Int Primary key 1 english varchar(50) Not-null 46 telugu varchar(50) Not-null 44 hindi varchar(50) Not-null 45 science varchar(50) Not-null 39 maths varchar(50) Not-null 50 social varchar(50) Not-null 44
Table No: 3 Table Name Assignments Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values assignmentsid Int Primary key 1 admissionno Int Foreign key 1 rollno Int Not-null 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd june Int Not-null All submitted july varchar(50) Not-null All submitted august varchar(50) Not-null All submitted september varchar(50) Not-null All submitted october varchar(50) Not-null All submitted november varchar(50) Not-null English,scoial not submitted december varchar(50) Not-null All submitted january varchar(50) Not-null All submitted february varchar(50) Not-null Maths not submitted march varchar(50) Not-null All submitted april varchar(50) Not-null All submitted
Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values assignmentsid Int Primary key 1 admissionno Int Foreign key 1 rollno Int Not-null 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd
Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values assignmentsid Int Primary key 1 june Int Not-null All submitted july varchar(50) Not-null All submitted august varchar(50) Not-null All submitted september varchar(50) Not-null All submitted october varchar(50) Not-null All submitted november varchar(50) Not-null English,scoial not submitted december varchar(50) Not-null All submitted january varchar(50) Not-null All submitted february varchar(50) Not-null Maths not submitted march varchar(50) Not-null All submitted april varchar(50) Not-null All submitted
Table No: 4 Table Name Attendance Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values attendenceid Int Primary key 1 admissionno Int Foreign key 1 name varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k rollno Int Not-null 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd june varchar(50) Not-null 56.00% july varchar(50) Not-null 76.40% august varchar(50) Not-null 88.22% september varchar(50) Not-null 56.66% october varchar(50) Not-null 99.00% november varchar(50) Not-null 88.72% december varchar(50) Not-null 76.32% january varchar(50) Not-null 91.22% february varchar(50) Not-null 76.66% march varchar(50) Not-null 22.34% april varchar(50) Not-null 68.81%
Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values attendenceid Int Primary key 1 admissionno Int Foreign key 1 name varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k rollno Int Not-null 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd
Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values attendenceid Int Primary key 1 june varchar(50) Not-null 56.00% july varchar(50) Not-null 76.40% august varchar(50) Not-null 88.22% september varchar(50) Not-null 56.66% october varchar(50) Not-null 99.00% november varchar(50) Not-null 88.72% december varchar(50) Not-null 76.32% january varchar(50) Not-null 91.22% february varchar(50) Not-null 76.66% march varchar(50) Not-null 22.34% april varchar(50) Not-null 68.81%
Table No: 5 Table Name Complaints Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values Complaintid Int Primary key 1 admissionno Int Foreign key 1 name varchar(50) Not-null Siddartha.k rollno Int Not-null 1 class varchar(50) Not-null 2nd complaint varchar(50) Not-null Very good boy
Login table
Table No: 6 Table Name Login Attribute name Data types constraints Sample values username varchar(50) Primary key 1 password varchar(50) Not-null siddu
Refer Database design to download all project database tables.
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