Here we shared Patient Welfare System SRS. The goal of the patient welfare system is to improve the efficiency of the patient welfare system by reducing the overall time and cost used to create documents and retrieve information. It allows doctors to view their appointment and prescribe medicine for their patients. Patient welfare system maintains patient’s prescription so that their medical details are always available in internet, which will be more convenient for the patients. When we add those modules are to the current site of Malabar cancer center, their present web site contain the following details that are: The basic details of the Malabar cancer center, risk factors, treatment facilities available, cancer prevention, types of cancer details etc. Through our proposed system we are including certain modules for betterment of patients.

Patient Welfare System SRS

Product Perspective

The proposed system is a computerized one in which we stores all the information about each and every procedures about Patient Welfare. Proposed web site contain the following details that are: The basic details of the Malabar cancer center, risk factors, treatment facilities available, cancer prevention, types of cancer details etc. Through our proposed system we are including certain modules for betterment of patients. The system stores information’s about Patients and doctors, stores doctor prescription about patients and other details relating to patient Welfare.

User Classes and Characteristics

  • Patients: This module deals with Patients details, their disease, and admission. Patient can go with his/her profile activities only after successful registration. The general users can register into this system, then the MCC team will contact with this particular patient after all verification process he/she will get their login details after successful login patients can view their profile, edit profile ,they can take appointment ,view prescription, appointment  Cancellation ,write suggestion.
  • Doctors: This module deals with doctor details, their patients, their appointment status, Prescription details, doctor is added to the system by the system administrator, and all other login details will be given to him/her.
  • Administrator: A Genuine person from the administrator side will collect information about the doctor like his/her qualification, specialization, address, etc. for registration. After filtering the invalid data, the doctor details will be upholder in health consulting system site. And the administrator side keeps the user account details, doctor account details. That is illustrated bellow.
  • General user: General users have no other advanced functionalities available they can view doctors list, view health tips, write suggestions and finally if he is planning to register with this system he can register also.


Resources – The system works on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is developing using web technologies such as PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, and Adobe Flash CS3 for interaction with the server, My SQL Server for data transfer to the interface and designing is done with Adobe Dream Viewer.

Modules of Patient Welfare System

  • Patient module: Patient can go with his/her profile activities only after successful registration. The general users can register into this system, then the MCC team will contact with this particular patient after all verification process he/she will get their login details after successful login patients can view their profile, edit profile ,they can take appointment ,view prescription, appointment  Cancellation ,write suggestion.
  • Doctor module: Doctor can do this much activities in his/her profile. He can login to the system with given login details and can view profile, edit Profile, view Appointments, view Previous appointments, create Prescription, view prescription.
  • Administrator module: A Genuine person from the administrator side will collect information about the doctor like his/her qualification, specialization, address etc, for registration. After filtering the invalid data, the doctor details will be upholder in health consulting system site.

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