The project Orphanage Management System is for registration for orphans, maintaining the adoption details, maintaining the sponsors details and keeping the detailed track of all the account related details and updating all data on the database. The main objective is to manage the day to day activities of orphanage as well as to look after the overall facilities available and make the sponsors easy to donate, to computerize the management system, to keep track on the details of the orphans, and to track on the account related details, and provide the administrator a pleasant and effective way of working and generating reports. The system enables adding records of the Orphans, Sponsors, Staff Members and Values for the payment entries in the computer database. It makes the donors easy to donate.
Purpose of the Project:
The purpose of this project is to describe the requirements for the orphanage. Presently there are so many orphanages but 80% of it does not use the Software related to orphanage. They simply do their work on paper. So it becomes difficult and time consuming to get any information according to the needs. This project is totally Computer based system so that orphanage can fast access their functionality. It will improve the working. Working capacity of the organization and due to computerized system paper cost will be reduced and easy to take any decision.
Product Function:
The data represented in Dream Children’s Home Software application will perform the following major function:
- Registering details of new orphans.
- Adopter details
- Sponsors details
- Checking availability of dates for the events.
- Checking availability of dates for the programs.
- Payment details
- Expenses details
- Salary, Attendance for the members are maintained.
- Reduce manual work and time consumption.
- Provides data security.
- No data loss and miss use of data is avoided.
Software Interfaces:
- Operating System : Windows
- Front end : VB.Net
- Back end : SQL Server
Modules of Orphanage Management System
1. Registration Module: Only admin has the right to access this module. Admin registers a new user name and password for the user so that the user can use the same user name and password and login to the software. Later if the user needs to change the password, he/she can change the password.
2. Orphan Registration Module: Registration of the new orphan is done here. Basically, orphan is either been registered in the orphanage by his/her biological parent or through any source. A detailed record of the orphan is managed in this module.
3. Adoption Module: If any orphan is being adopted, detailed record of all adopters is maintained. A certificate of adoption is provided to the adopters after they adopt a child.
4. Sponsor Module: Detailed record of all the sponsors who are willing to contribute for the betterment of the orphans so that their basic needs are met are maintained in this module.
5. Event Module: The various events conducted for the orphans in the orphanage are maintained. The detailed record of the events is maintained so that it can be viewed anytime. Events such as Independence Day, Children’s Day, Festivals etc.
6. Programs Module: The various programs conducted for the orphans in the orphanage are maintained. The detailed record of the programs is maintained so that it can be viewed anytime. Programs such as Skill Development, Personality Development, Awareness Programs etc.
7. Payment Module: Sponsors who are willing to sponsor for the orphans for their education, health, trust and events conducted in the orphanage this module is used. A receipt is provided to the sponsors after they contribute.
8. Expenses Module: This module consists of expense details of the orphanage. Monthly / yearly expense reports are generated.
9. Staff Module: This is used to store the information about the members working in the orphanage. This module includes the basic details of the members.
10. Salary and Attendance Module: For every member in the orphanage there is a pre-set salary. Attendance is taken for each member daily. Based on the attendance, salary is generated. This function has high priority as the final salary generation Depends upon the values we set here. Salary is generated monthly.
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