IMPRO Management System

IMPRO Management System

The objective behind developing IMPRO Management System is to maintain the hierarchy of the employees within an organization. It provides the manger and administrative department an overall hierarchical view of the complete enterprise and helps them in managing employees.. Every Organization has many managers, who are responsible for all the activities in the organization. These managers manage different aspects of the organizational management issues, such as manufacturing, production, Marketing, etc; one such essential management issue is IMPRO.

As years progressed, the approach of the management changed towards the human capital. Now Hierarchical Organization is part of every organization, and has its own identity and importance. In this scenario, the bigger organizations need to put lot of effort in the management of human Resources, as they are underlying capital asset to the organization. In doing so, along with times, the Organization Information changed from its basic operations to more strategic approach.

Software Requirements:

  • WINDOWS NT 4 | 2000 | 9.X | ME
  • Visual Studio .Net Enterprise Edition
  • Internet Information Server 5.0
  • Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          

Modules of IMPRO Management System

  • Employee Creation: In the Hierarchical Organization Information System each employee is created with their corresponding department, designation and section details.
  • Employee hierarchy: In this system Administration department is the Root Department under which different departments exist. So the Employment hierarchy will start with root department head like chairman and subsequently the department employees with dept head and section employees with their section employees and for sub departments in the departments can be identified.
  • Department entry/department hierarchy: In this module, Master Data for the  departments can be created employees refer this data .Sub departments Can be identified .Some of The departments will have Different Sections. Each Department having Department heads ,so department employees should reported to the department head he may be subordinate to his superior Department he shall report to him. Some of departments having sections so section employees shall be reported to the section incharge he shall report to the department head from this Departments, sub departments the Department hierarchy shall be created.
  • Live status: Live status gives accurate information about which Employee will work in which section his superior employees or his subordinates can be identified along with their corresponding departments so that the employee info can be managed easily. Their performance can be monitored and if need they can be deputed to other department as and when required this can be effectively managed.
  • Employee list enumeration: The employee details already in the database so the details can be retrieved as and when required by taking the selective criteria from the HR manager.
  • Process details: This following process will be done to get the desired results. Employee hierarchy can be created using Employers and their superior’s information. Department Hierarchy can be created using the departmental interdependencies. Vacancy list in various departments can be identified and prioritized by calculating the position weight ages. Employees can be transferred from one department to another based on different criteria provided by the HR manager. Employee retention can be processed depending their performance.
  • Job Rotation: Job rotation process will be invoked when the employee experiences monotony in his work / duty. These will result in poor performance, some times leads to major errors in the field of operation.  This can be overcome by job rotation process. In this the employee will be moved to other department of interest, so that the employee will work with renovated vigor and vitality. In some cases, to fill up the emergency vacancies, job rotation process will be executed to avoid unforeseen delays. In any case along with the candidate / employee his credentials and other associates will be passed to the destination department.
  • Position Weightage: Position weightage will be calculated based on Departments weightage, section weightage and even the designation weightage. Each position in the organization will have certain importance in the functionality of the overall organization. The weightage of the each position will be calculated by using the actual position in the organization and as well as the position in the authority flow.
  • vacancies details and process details: Vacancies arised in various departments can maintained by filling the new employees or by shifting/additional charges to existing employees.

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